"Watch it" Bonnie spat making Allison flinch back "I may not be a hybrid but I am a witch. And I can show you, why you don't want a witch as an enemy" Allison paled and Chris sat up but before anything could happen a voice interrupted them

"Like I could ever like a hunter"

Everyone turned to see Andrea standing in the doorway. Derek to her right, Cora to her left, Peter and Laura behind them, all their eyes glowing, Gold, Blue and Red respectively

Allison flinched back again, but this time not from fear but hurt. She didn't think Andrea would have heard her, "I know better than to put my life in the hands of..." Andrea eyed Allison up and down "A baby hunter, who can't even protect herself"

Allison blushed when she heard some people giggling and chuckling before glaring at Andrea, though some could see it held no fire behind it "At least, I don't lose control once a month"

That got growls from all the wolves, even Klaus who didn't like the reminder that other wolves struggle while he doesn't. Andrea chuckled shaking her head "Hmm, at least I never attack someone innocent just because of what they are. Can you say the same?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

Allison looked down telling everyone her answer. Andrea scoffed before taking a seat, away from Talia. Derek next to her, Cora, Laura and Peter sitting next around them

Andrea stood on stage next to two other girls as Mrs.Kelly stood in front of them "Alright. You three are the finalists. Only one of you will be the main singer and the other two will be the backup singer. First up" Mrs. Kelly looked at her clip board

"Danielle Knight"

Andrea smiled at her friend before moving off stage to the wings "Hey" Andrea turned around seeing Stiles hidden in the shadows

"Stiles" Andrea looked around before moving towards him "What are you doing here? Don't you have practice?" Andrea whispered. Stiles shrugged "And miss you becoming the main singer?"

Andrea and Stiles shared a smile, they will always be there for one another

Andrea laughed shaking her hand when her friend Grace rushed over to her "Hey Stiles" Stiles waved at her "Andrea, did you hear what Danielle is singing?" Andrea shook her head. Grace grabbed her and pulled her to the wing, stopping just at the edge 

"He loved her like no man could and her heart felt peace because she finally understood God love" Danielle sung

Andrea eyes widen "Is that my song?" She whispered furiously. Grace nodded along with Stiles who moved a little more up to be able to see what was happening  

Danielle looked towards the wing and winked at Andrea who glared at her feeling her claws coming out. Closing her eyes, she took deep breaths thinking of her mother and Stiles calming herself down 

Klaus raised a brow seeing the young wolf get control so easily "What was that?" Tyler asked staring at the screen with wide eyes seeing Andrea stop her transformation 

"That was me finding my anchor" Andrea told him. Tyler still looked confused making Andrea heart ache, didn't the young wolf know what an anchor is "An anchor? Something that keeps you tethered to earth" Tyler still looked confused as did Klaus making Andrea and Derek share a look

"An anchor is an emotion, place, person, something that you think of or focus on to bring you back, to calm your wolf down. Does your kind not have anchors?" Derek explained/asked 

Tyler and Klaus shook their heads "No one's ever thought to use a person, place or emotion to keep up in control. We usually have to be taken out of the room unless we lose control" Klaus admitted 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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