Where am I?

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I woke up after a deep slumber, I don't know what happened, where am I and why I was in deep sleep? I neither have the answer for these questions nor have energy to find the answers, I wanted to escape from this state which I couldn't explain to my sane self. I can feel the slight pain in my heart which is overwhelming as I speak, I can sense my legs are being pulled by someone, I can sense the dead silence and the cold numbness around me, I could see the diminishing sunlight as I'm being pulled down, slowly....slowly......slowly I'm falling into the same deep slumber. I couldn't breathe, I'm trying to, I'm not lying and I'm trying very hard to escape from this black hole thing which is trying to gobble me up, but suddenly I don't want to. 

I don't want to go up to catch the sunlight or the rays of warmth, I don't want to see what's up there so bright and warm trying to welcome me with its soft hands, I don't want to know who I am and I don't want to escape from this silence of death. I don't want to do anything anymore, I've got this feeling as if I've tried everything so many times that I've been drained out by the parasites, and so I gave up on myself to dwell deeper into this unknown oblivion. It feels like I am drowning deeper....deeper.....deeper. But who is this calling me? I can hear a voice, I can sense someone is calling me, someone is trying to not let me down, someone is trying to fight for me, someone is out there trying to reach me out, I can see them stretching their hand out to me, WHO is he/she/they? what they want from me? it's funny what I could do when I don't even know who am I in the first place? Even I've given up on myself but this person is trying to save me. Should I accept their help or do they know me? will they tell me who I am? or will they help me to find myself whom I've probably lost while coming this way? Should I? 

"Esperanza.......Esperanza....Esperanza....grab my hand",

"Esperanza", is that my name, why they are shouting that word at me. Is that really my name. I don't know but I do feel that It doesn't suit me, It kind of makes me feel to throw up, it ties knots in my stomach to think that could be my name, but they're still calling me by that word and trying to approach me. I don't know what should I do any more, whatever, the yearning look in their eyes and the desperateness to save me in their eyes, the way they tremble at the slightest possibility of my death, whoever they could be they know me and they want to save me from this oblivion. I think I should at least give a chance to them and .......to me, who knows maybe I could at least know who am I? here goes whatever,

 I've grabbed their hand......Ah, It's so warm. 

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