Chapter 20 - Lost

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Kennedy was alone in the training room, waiting for Obi-Wan and getting ready for their training session. She was in the middle of a stretch when he walked in. His eyes were distant, like something else occupied his mind, and he barely acknowledged her as he walked by.

"Everything alright, Master?" Kennedy prodded, standing up straight.

"Hm? Oh, yes." He waved his hand in dismissal. "I'm fine."

Obi-Wan had come straight from a council meeting. Kennedy wondered what they could've discussed that put him in such a mood.

She slowly made her way over to him, pausing a few steps away behind his shoulder. "Was the council meeting tense?"

He sighed heavily. Whatever was been said in there weighed on him heavily. "You could say that," he finally turned to her, smiling lightly. But before Kennedy could question him further he changed the subject. "Right, well today I want to go over your lightsaber instincts. We very well might face Dooku someday and he will not rehearse his fight with us before hand."

"Yes, Master." She pushed aside his sudden change of subject and grabbed her lightsaber from her belt. "Oh, before we start, did you happen to talk to the council about me learning how to force heal?"

She had told Obi-Wan about what happened on Kiros with Waxer's ears and then asked if she could learn more about that power. He stood there holding his chin for a moment, deep in thought, before saying he would ask the council.

He sighed again, shaking his head and reaching for his lightsaber. "I have not yet. But I want to warn you Kennedy, force healing comes from the dark side of the force. I'm not sure the council would want to entertain that."

Kennedy's eyes fall to the floor. "Oh." Of course the council wouldn't want entertain anything that she asked.

"Besides, little one," he placed a hand on her shoulder, "we have healers at the temple. So, there's no need for you to learn it. Right now, you should focus on your fighting skills. Speaking of which," he removed his hand and walked in front of her, stopping a couple paces away and igniting his lightsaber.

Kennedy just did the same and took a deep breath to center herself. Maybe sparring would take her mind off of it.


Kennedy, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan were down in the city of Coruscant, walking back to where they left they left their speeder. They had been told there was a bounty hunter who was asking about Jedi. The four of them were sent to take him in. Kennedy thought it was odd. Yeah, they were still peace keepers, but bothering themselves with a bounty hunter on their time off at the temple? Kennedy didn't get it.

But, Obi-Wan suddenly wanted to get back to the temple as soon as possible.

"So what's the big rush?" Anakin asked, picking up on Obi-Wan's weird mood as well.

"The Jedi council has called an emergency meeting," Obi-Wan explained.

"I can see it now." Anakin waved his hands in front of him as if he was actually imagining it. "Another long, boring debate." That seemed to be all the council meetings were recently—at least from what Obi-Wan has said.

"Would you rather they call you to train younglings?" Ahsoka smirked.

Anakin chuckled, "Are you crazy?"

Kennedy budded in peeking over at Anakin from beside Obi-Wan, "What? You can't handle a couple-"

Sudden blaster fire caused them to scramble behind nearby piles of boxes. Anakin and Ahsoka split from Kennedy and Obi-Wan behind two different piles. Kennedy barely made it behind the boxes as Obi-Wan shoved her out of the way of a much too close blaster bolt.

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