Julie Part 29

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The announcement bounced in her ears as Julie woke up.

Julie stretched and smiled at the others as she sat up.

Suzan was moping on the floor when they got up to go take a shower.

"Come on now." Teresa encouraged and pulled at Suzan's arms. "There's going to be more people dropping out of the experiment, sooner or later you get to sleep in a bed too."

Suzan grumbled as she got pulled up to her feet and stared longingly at the now-empty bed, where the girl who had been kicked out had slept.

"Isn't there also a chance that she'll get kicked out before she sleeps in the bed?" Danika asked as they walked towards the bathroom.

Adele quickly grabbed Danica's arm and pulled her along faster. "Not the time, Danica!" She whispered angrily through gritted teeth.

At least today, Honey and her friends seem to leave them alone, they kept a safe distance from Julie and the others.

"Isn't it weird how they've been trying to start a fight all week?" Danica asked, as they washed their faces and kept an eye on Honey and her group through the mirrors.

Julie remembered what Emilia had said yesterday.

"They're trying to divert attention from themselves by trying to bully us."

"Huh." Teresa seemed surprised. "That sounds so high school."

"It is very high school." Adele nodded.

Julie shrugged in the mirror. "Prison generally seems a lot like high school."

"Right. The groups, the cafeterias... There are not many classes though..." Danica joined in.

"Maybe they're expecting us to teach ourselves," Suzan mumbled and crossed her arms.

"Your bruise has almost healed?" Salem said as Teresa began to wash her face.


"Okay, that is pretty weird," Adele said as they sat down at their table.

Danica seemed to try and cover her own bruise with her hair.

Teresa ran a hand over the bruise, which were now smaller and slightly faded.

"What about your health number?" Suzan asked and gulped her glass of water down.

Teresa looked at her watch. "Still the same."

"Well, I guess it's the same that happened to all the other people that were fighting in the arena," Adele muttered.

Julie did think the whole bruise thing was a bit strange, but this was called an experiment after all.

Kathy and the 'Warden' appeared in the doorway as soon as the clock struck 8.

"Hello again today." Kathy greeted before the 'Warden' came forward.

"Today, there will be another fight." The fat woman said in a shaky voice. "Here's the first contestant."

"I will say." Adele smiled as she leaned over the table to whisper. "I enjoyed Kathy more than the Warden."

The other girls nodded in agreement as the screen over them flashed with different mugshots.

Julie suppressed a jerk as her face flashed over the screen for a second.

"138, Mark Wallace." The 'Warden' took a deep breath and burped.

It was dead quiet in the dining hall.


Julie looked over at Honey with big eyes.

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