That Bastard, he knows what I'm thinking. He licked his lips passing a wink as my eyes grew wide. He surely knows.

I grabbed Zehera's hand, walking past him ignoring whatever he was trying to say. I have way important work to do than hearing his rubbish fantasies.

Carter has been messaging me since the day when the incident happened in the club, telling me his sex fantasies. How he fantasize me between his legs, in his room, around his co-

"You're Blushing" Zehera's loud words were enough to convince Carter that I was Blushing thinking about his fantasies. His grin is enough to convince me that he heard Zehera.

I increased my pace as I turned around in another corridor, "We're in the wrong corridor." I ignored Zehera walking further anyway as I peek behind and sighed seeing no one was following us now.

Someone bumps into me or was I running and bumped into that person. All because of that idiot Carter. I brace myself up to a familiar face.

"What where you're going, Carter's Slut" He hissed, my gaze traveled to his bruised nose and lips. OMG he's the guy Carter punched last week.

"You watch it, you ugly dumpling. " She said flipping him off, I just stood there frozen.
Those eyes with the same rage and disgust. He did not go further into an argument as the dean was on round.

"You Okay?" Zehera asked seeing my pale face as I mumbled a yes. I am not okay. It's the start of my new life in a new college and I came across a person who hates me. This is all thanks to the Ace player of Ice-Hockey Team.

"I'm so tired" Zehera groaned as we walk out, today was indeed tiring but was good too except for the insults passed on by some fangirls of the Ace player of ice-hockey team.

What do they even find attractive about him?
He is a jerk.
He is arrogant
The only thing he has are looks, who would fall for looks in this century?

"Poor Carter fighting with Max for this slut" A girl commented walking past us, I grabbed her hand, "Who is fighting??" I asked unsure what she said a few seconds ago.

I dashed through the corridors, past the shocked students. I don't have time to walk diligently not after What I heard?

"Move" I yelled making my way through the crowd in the parking lot. I gasped at the sight, Carter was on Max punching him brutally. My gaze traveled at the wounded Max, he is not moving. Is he going to kill him. Not again because of me. I can't let it happen again.Tears started dripping from eyes seeing blood over his hands and shirt.

"Carter" I yelled trying to pull his hand back before he murders him. "Please stop for God sake" I yelled squinting my eyes shut when I lost balance.

Not feeling the hard floor, I opened my eyes slowly. Carter caught before my head can hit the floor.

"C-Carter S-Stop" I mumbled, he pulled me up dragging me to his car.

"Sit" He said, his voice harsh as he pushed me inside.

It's been half an hour and none of us have spoken a word. Tremors are traveling throughout my body, I glance at my reflection un the side mirror. I look pathetic and weak and the worse part is in front of this jerk.

Carter, who is driving rigorously. He who would've told me his fantasies is just quiet, too quiet and calm. It's the Calm before a storm.

"You don't have to do all this" I said trying to keep my voice from cracking, if you ask about my body it's still shaking.

"I'm not your girlfriend or anything"

He pushed the brakes, the car screeched. I screamed, is he insane. I could've hit my head hard on the glass.

"What did you say?" He said in a menacing voice. His face is expressionless. No sign of any emotion. He moved closer, I can smell his cologne and blood.

I gulped hard before answering, "That I'm not yours" He moved away, driving again.

Did I escape? He's not the type to do the silent treatment.

I gasped when his hand rubbed again my thigh, what's he thinking. His hand moved closer as I grabbed it only to get smacked hard on them.

I turned my head, my gaze met Carter's. His fingers circled around my sensitive area through my panties as his lips curved into a smirk.

His fingers dip in my sex as I grabbed the seat clutching it tight, I clamped my mouth shut with the other hand. He quickened his pace as a needy voice escaped my lips.

I should stop him but I want him to keep going too. Last time when he kissed, my hands were tangled in his but right now my hands aren't tied but I don't think I can still stop him.

I am on the edge, a few more strokes and I'll come crashing down. He pulls back as I glance up at him. His face is expressionless, he brings the finger to his mouth licking them, literally licking them clean.

Heat grew up at my cheeks as I glance outside unable to face him when my face is all flushed.

What's happening with me? I didn't stop him?
Why is my heart beating so fast? Am I falling in love?

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