Evan's time with Calypso 2

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Calypso was at her house then her phone rang and she answered it

Calypso: hello who is it?

Evan: Calypso hey it's Evan!

Calypso: *tail wagging* Evan good to hear you, what do you need?

Evan: well i wanna if we can hang out again?

Calypso: *wagging faster* 'he's asking me to hang out with him again!' yes of course i liked to

Evan: great let's meet at the market sounds good?

Calypso: sure see you there

Evan: Kay bye. She hangs up the call and she jumped happily and her tail wagged

Calypso: i can't wait to spend some time with him again, maybe today i could tell him how i feel about him..

She then takes a bath after then she dries up and takes her purse and phone then leaves her house, a few hours later she arrives at the markets and sees Evan sitting at a table and he waves at her and she goes to him "hi Calypso wanna buy some food or later?" Evan asked her and she thought for a sec "how about we can go visit a store and buy some ingredients to bake?" Calypso told Evan and he smiled and nodded then he stood up, grabbed her paw then pulled her to a shop he knows best to buy

They arrived at a small shop with a sign that says 'SSS (sweets supply shop)' and when they entered Calypso saw a black Pekingese with long gray hair and had a hair bun he also wears glasses and was wearing an apron

Evan: hey Jeffrey!, how's business?

Jeffrey: "been doing good, who's you friend?

Evan: oh this Calypso she's a teacher at green house elementary, and we're here to buy some ingredients

Jeffrey: "its nice to meet you Calypso" *offered his paw*

Calypso: it's nice meeting you too Jeffrey, Evan maybe you two can chat while i get the ingredients?

Evan: oh sure thanks Calypso. She then goes and gathered the items

Jeffrey: "so what are you guys backing?"

Evan: dunno but i know it'll taste good because of the ingredients it has

Jeffrey: "heh thanks, so what ya wanna chat about now?"

Evan: how about we talk about ourselves

Jeffrey: "sure i'll go first, i'm 17 and i was born on August 21, 2006 and i like sweet stuff"

Evan: cool, okay i'm 15 and was born on June 25, 2008 and i live with the Heelers at a Cul-de-sac and i like sweet stuff too but not really a fan of spicy things

While Evan and Jeffrey were chatting Calypso was gathering some ingredients for backing and her basket was with the basic ingredient and some unique one too and she was grabbing a bag of sugar-spice and it was half sweet n spicy and back to Evan

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