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After trying to convince his sister that Aristidis wasn't who the rumors were; and that he was actually a sweet, gentle person—(which had an element of truth, but the Crown Prince was only that way towards him and him alone); Y/n and Angelina decided to set out to the palace. Y/n was apprehensive; the next meeting took place with Elliot, who would save them from bandits attacking their carriage.

Thus the name of the event, [Rocky Rides].

Was it even possible for him to...stop it? It seemed inevitable for him. Y/n had no plans whatsoever to stop the meet. There were many ways it could fail and lead to their deaths.

Even if Y/n somehow managed to stop Elliot from coming; it would also mean that no one would save them from the bandits. Which might lead to Angelina's death. And his.

"Hurry up, Brother. Don't stay so lost in thought!" Angelina urged, then she frowned—"unless, you are thinking about the Crown Prince again. Your mind has been poisoned."

...Right. She was still heavily against the whole notion of them..

"Of course not," Y/n brushed it off, "I was just wondering about..the estate." He lied easily. "As the future heir, I must take care of matters of the Countdom..." He trailed off.

His future.

Did he even have one, here? Would he die first? If so, what did it entail?

"Good." Angelina brightened up immediately, "it's my first time riding a carriage with you, Brother. I couldn't believe Father permitted me to do so!"

..He did?

Perhaps Nicholas—their father—was changing. For the better.

"That's good," Y/n smiled, "here. Take my hand."

Y/n offered his hand towards his sister, allowing her to step on easily to the carriage. He followed suit behind her; and sank on the cushions in relief, leaning his head back onto the walls.

How could he prevent the second event from happening?

As the carriage began to move, Y/n's mind raced with thoughts and concerns. He couldn't shake off the feeling of impending danger, knowing that the second event for Elliot was approaching. He glanced at Angelina, who seemed blissfully unaware of the potential dangers ahead.

Y/n's thoughts returned to the letter from the Emperor. It was unexpected and puzzling, to say the least. Why had he gotten an invitation?

Why would the Emperor want to meet them? And what did their powers have to do with it?

Dammit. Because he interfered, things had changed.

The journey to the Imperial Palace was long and quiet. The rhythmic sound of hooves against the ground provided a calming backdrop to Y/n's racing thoughts. He couldn't help but steal glances at his sister, who was looking out of the carriage window with excitement and curiosity evident on her face—it was endearing, lately.

"Are you scared, Livio?" Angelina suddenly asked, breaking the silence. Her face was one of concern—and Y/n realized he had been staring blankly into thin air.

Y/n turned his gaze towards her, contemplating how much he should reveal.

I can't burden her with the weight of my worries, not when she is already concerned about me and Aristidis.

"Just a little nervous," he admitted, offering her a reassuring smile. "But it will be an honor to meet the Emperor."

"The Emperor?" She said slyly, "or the Prince?"

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