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Blair when she was 17.

- I take a deep breath as I calm myself down. This is unbelievable. "Amy? Why didn't you tell me Lucas had a girlfriend?"

"It lasted shortly, I promise. Besides it's not like they have been intimate-"

"Amy ew?" I cut her off. "I don't wanna hear that. But what I wanna know is when and for how long?"

She understands what Im asking and takes a deep breath. "When? Two years ago. For how long? Well probably about like two months and a half. It was a short time."

"That's quite a lot to be honest. Lucas had a girlfriend and I wasn't even aware of that." I cross my arms in disappointment.

"Well Noor was the one to break up with him since- you know, Raven and Lucas used to be friends and all." She sighs. "Besides...why are you so uptight about this? What does it has to do with you about who Lucas dates?" She raises an eyebrow with a smirk.

I get nervous . "Well it's just- he is your brother you know and I tell you everything about mine so I thought you should too. We're like friends." I smile in awkwardness and she shrugs.

"Lucas's personal life isn't much of a deal to me. Who he fucks or not isn't my business and I don't ask him that, ew? But yeah probably should have told you but I guess I forgot." She takes the small mirror as she looks at herself fixing her hair.

I snort in disgust and roll my eyes. I feel kinda hurt to know this just now. But Amy shouldn't notice me being all nervous and jealous. "Yeah I guess you're right." I take a deep breath. "So uhm, Noor. Tell me something about her."

She thinks. "Well let's see. Noor Malek is actually quite a pretty girl. Prettier than me. I admit, that did use to make me a bit jealous." She chuckles. "Noor has like a pretty shade of tanned skin and medium length dark brown hair, wavy hair with a bit of curls. Her eyes were like amber type except that they seem pretty yellowish."

Jealousy takes over my body. Amy doesn't compliment people unless they had an impact on her.

"Oh and as for her height, I don't know she was a bit taller than me. Like maybe 5'7 or something. But her body- she was absolutely gorgeous. Now I don't wanna sound like a dude but she had a curvy body like big chest big butt, and such a small waist. Goddamnit she made me insecure at that time." She chuckles and shakes her head. "She was a good girl. Really kind. At least to Lucas and me."

I feel myself boiling in anger as my breathing increases. I don't know what's happening to me. I never had this feeling before.

It eats me inside and it makes me want to go find that girl and drown her with my jealousy. It's so unhealthy.

Kill me.


Even her name is so beautiful. She seems to he the complete opposite of me. Big chest, big butt. Small waist. Tanned skin. Wavy brown hair with curls. Amber yellow eyes.

She's perfect.

A better version of me. Of course Lucas would have fallen for her. And I'm sure he was devastated when she broke up with him. Probably he was so angry that he stopped being friends with Raven because he was the reason his brother-in-law ended his life.

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