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Blair when she was 17.

- "Mom I'm going out!" I yell at mom who was upstairs so she could hear me.

She came downstairs and she was talking on her phone. "Okay hang on a minute please," she puts her phone away from her ear and looks at me up and down. "Where are you going like this?"

I looked at my outfit confused. I was wearing black baggy pants high-waisted with a white blouse underneath and a cropped lavender cardigan on combined with my favorite black hobo bag.

"I'm going to work?"

"Since when do you have a job?" Mom asks in confusion and I roll my eyes. Obviously she didn't remember.

"Since a week now? A cashier at Wonderfoods?" I sigh annoyed.

She walks over to me with that angry look of hers. "Don't you talk to me with that tone missy. And I have my own business to deal with rather than remembering where the hell you started working at."

"Yeah, thanks. I know." I say in sarcasm and she looks like she's about to hit me but the person on the phone kept calling her name.

She points her finger at me. "Leave. I'm already mad, don't make me take my anger on you."

I scoff as I wear my white Nike shoes. "It's not something that you haven't done before mother."

She snorts at me frustrated and goes upstairs as she continues talking on the phone with her fake angel voice.

My house- Demiri house isn't big but I could say it's medium at some point hut small as well. When you walk inside the house, there is a closet shoe rack. You take ten steps straight and turn left where the living room is.

But if you turn right there is a door which leads to the kitchen. But if you walk straight then you will see three doors. One is the bathroom. One is my parents room, the other is a guest room. While you're there and turn right you will see the stairs which lead you to the second floor.

On the second floor is my room, my brothers room and a bathroom along with a bigger room- my parents work room.

I get out of my house and there are two small stairs on the front. I just got this job but although it's been a week now I still feel very anxious whenever I have to go there.

Maybe it wasn't the best ideal job for me since there are a lot but a lot of people. Still, I need to make my own money somehow so that my parents won't say I'm on their "mercy".

Amy's house is just across of mine which means I get to see her everyday. Her family bought this house because of Amy's request to be closer to me but also because it's a villa and well she's rich.

I get to see Lucas everyday. Thank God.

It's the start of autumn which means the leafs are falling, the birds flying away for a better weather. The rain flooding down the streets.

Everything around screams autumn.

I like winter more.

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