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Blair when she was 17.

- I knock on the door not to hard but loud enough for anyone to hear so that they can open the door for me.

I bite my lower lip feeling a little nervous about talking to our new neighbor. I hope I don't say something bad.

"Come on now." I mumble to myself while tapping with my shoe on the dark yellow "Welcome" carpet as my hand goes to my mouth waiting patiently while with the other hand I keep cookies on a plate.

Frostvale is a small town in New York city and one of the most safest, calmest and probably richest small town but yet not many people know of it hence the inhabitants like to keep it a secret. This way our town wont be getting any danger from the outside.

My entire body freezes as soon as I hear the door get open. A woman my mother's age that had this dark shade of brown straight hair with some strands being slightly more lighter than the others complimenting her autumn eyes and her warm-tanned skin. "Buongiorno figlia."

She says with a smile and I put a nervous smile on as well, I'm assuming she is Italian. "Good morning ma'am, my name is Blair Wrenlee, I'm 17 years old. I like bunnies they're soft and I like baklava too. Your house seems nice, it's big and modern. Do you have any children? It's fine if you don't, I mean children can be a pain. I live one block away from your house and I wanted to welcome you here with some handmade cookies—"

I say the words in the speed of Flash as my nervousness takes place.

"Blair, Blair." The woman puts her hands on my shoulders with a warm smile making me stop in an instant. "Take it easy, Blair. Why so nervous figlia?"

"I just don't want to leave a bad impression of myself to our new neighbor." I left a small awkward chuckle which only made her laugh. Only that I realized l had spoken to much and God knows what nonsense I said. "Oh... I spoke to much didn't I? Damn me, it needs me to just open my mouth and speak gibberish."

I say under my breath hoping she doesn't take me for some insane person.

I am not insane.

This is embarrassing, really embarrassing. The woman looks very classy and elegant and here I am speaking nonsense. I can't bear all this embarrassment.

Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.

"No figlia— well you did say some stuff that I didn't understand but it is okay. I feel very welcomed already." She says with a reassuring smile and takes the cookies from my hands and takes one bite from of the cookies. "Mmm now this is a very nice cookie. Your mother is very talented figlia."

If she made them than sure she is. But I made those cookies and hearing this it makes me feel a little upset. But I'm gonna put a smile on and let this slide for now. And I love how she has an accent when she talks, it's so cute.

"Indeed ma'am." My smile grows to make it look as real as possible.

While the new neighbor takes another bite of the cookie, my eyes shift to a person inside her house. A man in a black suit with dark hair and firm expressions.

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