2. Crafting a Compelling Plot

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Every good thriller novel is built around a riveting and well-structured plot that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. When developing a thriller narrative, writers should try to create a sense of growing tension and suspense by gradually raising the stakes and introducing unexpected twists and turns. 

A typical method is to begin the story with a gripping hook or inciting occurrence that quickly grabs the reader's attention and sets the stage for the next drama. As the story progresses, the protagonist is frequently confronted with increasing hurdles and trials, culminating in a climactic confrontation with the antagonist or main threat. This showdown should be packed with high stakes and explosive action to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Suspense and surprise are essential components that keep the reader interested in the entire narrative. In order to give the story additional depth and complexity, a successful thriller storyline should also feature well-developed characters with opposing goals and desires. 

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