30 - Recovery

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For the first time in years, when I wake up in the morning, I know I am totally safe. Finnick's arms are curled around me, and I'm pretty sure he's still asleep. Twisting slowly, I turn to face him, the lights of Thirteen making his hair skin golden in the glare. After what happened last night, we didn't talk much more, instead I simply led Finnick to my bed, and then we laid there, wrapped in each others arms.

I smile, gaze drifting over Finnick's sleeping face. His soft expression, his slight smile. I shift up, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw, and he groans, moving to look down at me. His eyes open sleepily and he grins.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" I lay further onto his chest.

"No nightmares for once," I breathe as his hands come to my hair, twisting the strands into a delecite weaving pattern. "You?"

"Nothing." He smiles, kissing the top of my head. I smile up at him, warmth that feels almost like the sun spreading across my skin. I suppose if Finnick is like the sun, then I'm the moon. The silver haired girl who shines with stars. Golden. Silver. A sunset, while beautiful, only lasts so long, but the moon is always there, even though she can't be seen sometimes. Finnick starts to kiss down my neck, breathless, soft brushes of his lips. I shiver. A sunset dissapears and then the moon is left alone. That thought is like a shadow falling over me, eliminating all the sunny feeling.

"Finnick," I whisper. He hums, kisssing my shoulder. "Wait." Finnick freezes instantly, drawing away. The mood in the room changes and I sigh. "I just..." The moon is left alone. "You have to promise me something before we- before I fall too far into this."

"Anything," he whispers, and I link our fingers.

"You have to promise me you won't die in this war." Finnick raises his eyebrows.

"Kas you know I can't promise that, we'll be in the Capitol and anything could-"

"Promise me." I say, pinning him in place with my stare. "Promise me you won't die, or we can't do this. I won't do this.

"I- OK," Finnick says, "I promise I won't die." I smile, those five words sinking into my heart. He doesn't break promises. And so now when I lean up to kiss him, my heart glows.


Walking through Thirteen is different now, with Finnick by my side. When I walked alone, people would move out of my way, creating a wide bearth for me because of my reputation. They were afraid, especially because I usually carried at least one knife everywherw. Now, with Finnick there, people offer tentative smiles, some I even return.

As we turn the hall into the Hospital, Finnick squeezes my hand before letting go, walking off to find Boggs. Apparently there's some mandatory revision thing they have to do for their mission. Some stupid Thirteen thing. And so while he's there... I take a deep breath, staring down the hall. Johanna. Thomas. Sara. Katniss, seeing as she was attacked by Peeta and is now in the Hospital, and Peeta himself. I run that list over and over in my mind. Gods this is going to be a long day. Better get it started with.

The first door I push open is Johanna's, revealing a plain room, plain bed, and a very much awake tortured woman staring at me.

"Kasia Frost," she drawls as I stare at her. "It's been a long time." Jo's hair is shaven to her head, bruises and scabs peppering her pale skin. I try to ignore the shaking of her hands and instead grin, raising my eyebrows.

"Johanna Mason. Long time no see indeed." And then she reaches for my hand and I take it, sitting in the chair by her bed. I know she won't want to talk about it, but I'm struggling to find another topic to discuss apart from the Capitol. Oh yeah. Right. I do actually have news. "So, did I tell you, Finnick and I kissed?" I say, and Jo's head snaps to me so fast I'm afraid it might have hurt her neck.

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