21 - Auburn hair and Ice blue eyes

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Thren and I lean against a wall created from the bombs dropping, sweat dripping off both of our forheads. Gods, that was a narrow escape. Thren's chocolate brown eyes meet mine and, bizzarly, he starts to laugh. The reality of what we just escaped is so ridiculous that I can't help but laugh too. Seven faces in the sky because of me, three because of Thren and yet we just bolted from a little girl like rabbits. Seven tributes left. Only seven left. But in this moment, I ignore the little voice that tells me Thren must also die, and just laugh in his presence. Having fun. Our eyes meet, setting us off again. I double over laughing, clamping a hand over my mouth to stop the sound echoing. Honestly, although we're from different circles in District Five, I could see us being friends in another life. Maybe even more, if it came to that. He's only a year older after all.

Huh. Something wet sprays on my face, and I look at the sky. Are the gamemakers making it rain? No... Nothing.

"Hey Thren do you-" I say, looking down at him. No. No. No. No. He's standing shakily, trying to form words as blood drips from his throat. An arrow. Fuck. FUCK! He falls to the ground, slumping over and I rush to grab him. And that's not water on my face. It's blood. His blood. "THREN!" I scream.

"Kasia..." he chokes, tears rolling out of his eyes. It's too late. There's nothing I can do.

"It's ok, it's ok," I say, scanning the arena for the attackers. The career pack appears in the distance as I stroke his hair, ignoring the impending threat as he grabs my hand. "You're going to be OK." My tears drip onto his face as he closes his eyes, chest slowing. I hover over Thren's body, my district partner's chest slowly stopping, his hand becoming cold. I wipe away the blood on his forehead and pick up my sword.

Rage, hot and fierce, courses through my body, and I stand, turning to see the Career pack slowly advancing on me. There are only six of us left. Four careers, one thirteen year old and one small girl from District Five. Fuck this. I'm walking out of here. Not them. Me.

I take Thren's knife from his belt, holding it in my other hand. I stalk through the arena, Thren's blood dripping down my face and wrists with a manic smile imprinted to my face. Five to go. The girl from One reaches me first, and it's over in seconds, her throat slit as she falls to the ground.

The other careers scatter, shooting off in different directions to try and surround me. Gritting my teeth, I grab Thren's rusty knife, aim, and throw it, sticking it directly in between the boy from Two's shoulder blades. Cackling, I cough up blood, laughing at their fear as the other two freeze, staring at their fallen comrade.

Rallying my energy, I throw my sword, and the girl from Two doesn't even have time to turn before the blade pierces her through her stomach, straight into the ground. I run towards her, snatching up her two daggers and spear before leaving her to die, chasing after the boy from Four.

He's almost escaped, heading towards the entrance to the stands which is partially concealed from the rest of the ring, when he trips, falling to the floor with a thud. He spins, scrambling backwards to try and run, but he's too late. One of my stolen daggers pierces his throat before he even has time to scream, and his blood sprays all over my face before he falls, choking.

Its a couple of minutes before five cannons blast and I sit on the ground panting. Less than ten minutes gone and I've lost four competitors and my district partner. My- I squeeze my eyes shut, fighting against tears. Thren. Oh gods. He's dead. He's dead, and I could have saved him. It's ny fault, it's-

"Hello?" I freeze, eyes snapping open to the sound of the last tribute apart from me. The little one. District Nine. The girl. Jow did she survive all the way to this? Through the bloodbath, the bombings and the career pack? I turn, inching forwards on my ass to see around a pile of rubble. The auburn haired girl is walking towards the Cornucopia in the center, looking around for... Me. "Hello? Is anyone... Did I win?"

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