26 - Betrayal comes with a price

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WARNING - Rape, Death and Gore

Throughout my tour, however awful it's been so far, I must say that the sunsets over the beach in District Four are something I wish I could see more often. Sighing, I stare towards the beach, ignoring the pounding on my door.

"Come on Kasia darling, we're going to be late!" Izack positively screams through the door and I sigh. This speech is one I'm particularly not looking forward for. I killed Alistor, Thren killed the girl, and with the added bonus of seeing Odair again, this won't be a pleasant visit.

At least I only have to say a speech, I think, sighing again as I cross the room to open the door for Izack. When I open it however, his complaint about our lateness fall short as he takes in my dress. It's the colour of ocean waves, shimmering crystals lining every inch to make it look like waves. It is, of course, skin tight and mermaid style, but what dress have I worn that hasn't been plastered on me like a second skin? I smile grimly, and Izack takes my hand, practically bubbling as he leads me off the train and directly onto the stage. Walking out, I scan the tired looking faces of the District Four citizens. The scent of salt and cold sea breeze fills the air, and I take a deep breath. The air feels cooler here. Crisp, like a winters day.

As my mouth starts to speak the simple, practiced speech, my eyes catch on Alistor's family, two boys who look around twelve and ten, and two girls around five. Two girls. Odair's voice echoes in my head; He had two brothers and three sisters, and he was the only one old enough to work. His mother and father are dead. So who's going to feed them now, huh Frost? Oh god. Oh gods. Suddenly, I feel the urge to vomit, and my speech stalls as I can't tear my gaze from them. One child is dead. A little girl. A little- Izack coughs pointedly, and I take deep breaths, screwing my face up. Finally I calm down, and continue my speech, gripping my cards hard enough for my knuckles to turn white.

When I'm finished I gulp, backing away from the mic as my eyes return to the families. Izack grabs my arm, pulling me off the stage, back towards the train before I bump right into someone, my vision blurring.

"Oh!" I say, blinking enough to be able to see an elderly woman. Mags! I smile, brain lighting up. "Mags!" I smile, hand going to my wrist, to the shining golden cuffs on each hand, studded with heavy turquoise and sapphire stones. Unclipping them, I hold them out to her. "Please, give these to the children. To Alistor's siblings. Please. They should be able to sell them for enough money to survive until they can work."

"Of course, " she smiles, eyes crinkling. She takes the bracelets. "I'll go find them now."

I smile as she walks away, but suddenly I blink and she's not walking out of the building, she's walking into a wall of white fog that sweeps over the jungle.

"Mags!" I scream, lunging for her but it's too late.

"Your fault. Your fault! YOUR FAULT!" Mag's voice echoes in my head. "You killed me-"

"No... Please!" I scream, hands clutched over my ears. "STOP!" Laughter floods my head and I wince, heart pounding.

"Birds in the heavens know I love you-" Elody's voice swirls around me in the air, dancing through the trees as I look up to a sky the colour of her eyes. Scraping at my face, I feel blood on my face, crusting all over my skin. It's sticky, and red and no matter how much I rub it doesn't change.

"You killed me," Mags whispers again, and then she's there, skin blistered and deformed like some sort of zombie. I scramble backwards but suddely I can't move, the vines around my hold me to the ground.

Mags cackles, and then suddenly it's not her, it's Brutus, leaning down towards me. He smiles, teeth filthy with blood and I try to scream before a vine snakes up and over my mouth, cutting off my voice.

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