Chapter 12

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Santa's sleigh is flying past the moon when the Halloween present the elf snuck into the sack pops open, frightening Oogie, and fall from the sleigh

"Jaaaack! You and your little friend won't get off so easily! I'm the Seven Holidays King!!!" Oogie said as he was falling

Oogie plummet into a garbage dump and gets up

"Noo! This can't be happening!" Oogie roars in anger and then millions of bugs came, crawling into Oogie, turning him into a giant

"Jack, Grace, look!" Santa said as he points

Jack and Grace turns to see a ginormous Oogie Boogie rising from the dump

The now giant Oogie plods towards them causing the ground to shake

"Sandy! We'll take care of Oogie! You hurry up and deliver those presents!" Jack suggested

"But this might be too dangerous for Grace" Santa said

"Santa, I've been into dangerous adventures before and I turned out fine" Grace said

"Very well! Merry Christmas, Jack and Grace! Ho ho ho!" Santa flies off on the Halloween themed sleigh

They jumped down and started fighting with Oogie. After that, Oogie falls down. He then gets up again

"Oh, Jack.. I'm just getting started" Oogie said and he pound the ground "It's payback time!"

"Is that all you got to say?" Jack asked

The final fight begins

Oogie grabs Grace's wooden bat, picking it and Grace up, making her scream

"LET HER GO!" Jack said

"Gladly" Oogie said, he threw her off to let go of her wooden bat and he breaks it

She screamed as she was falling, landed on the garbage, rolling down and she landed on the ground

"Grace!" Jack worried and it made him so angry that he continued fighting with Oogie

Jack delivers the final blow and dozens of bugs fall out of Oogie as a result

"Grooooh... Not again!" Oogie spews out more bugs as he starts to sink and his voice started to die down "my precious bugs... My precious bugs... My precious bugs..."

"I think I'm going to be sick, again" Grace said trying not to throw up

Oogie slumps to the ground and becomes lifeless, as the bugs scatter into the trash

After the fight with Oogie, Jack immediately ran to Grace, helped her up and said "Grace, are you okay?"

"Ow" Grace moans but then she starts whimpering "I'm sorry Jack"

"It's alright little ghoul, you did the best you could" Jack said as he rubs her head and gives her a hug

When Jack picked her up, Santa returned in his real sleigh and landed

"Whew! For a moment there, I thought I was too late, but we managed to deliver the presents in time" Santa said

"I'm so..." Jack tries to apologize "forgive me, for causing you trouble again"

"No, Jack. This time, I owe you my gratitude, thank you for saving my life. And you too, Grace. Thank you. Thank you all! And Merry Christmas!" Santa flies away on the sleigh. Jack and Grace watch and wave as he flies into the sky

A while later, Jack and Grace were back at Halloween Town and Santa's sleigh flies past the moon

"Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!" Santa said

Jack, Sally and Grace who is still in Jack's arms were at the top of Spiral Hill

"I was so scared, Jack" Sally said

"You know, it's strange" Jack said "whenever I set out to find something new, my eyes are opened to a larger world"

"You're not leaving again, are you?" Sally asked

"No. Something tells me the most wonderful discoveries" Jack said "are a little closer to home"

Jack and Sally kissed in front of the moon, while Zero watches, then the wind came and the light appeared

Jack and Sally noticed that Grace is already asleep

"I guess her adventure today made her undead tired" Jack said

"She looks so cute when she sleeps" Sally said as she gently pulls Grace's hair out of her face

They walked into the light, entered into Grace's room

"Thank you for everything" Jack whispered to Grace and he kissed her forehead

He puts her in her bed, Sally tucks her in, gave her little rag dolls of herself and Jack, they smiled at her, they went back into the light and it disappeared

What adventure should Grace go next? Post your request in the comments

Grace's Adventure In The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now