Chapter 5

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Jack and Grace were back at the Fountain Area, heading to the door of Dr. Finklestein's lab, Jack unlocked the gate and they entered the gate. Then they saw electricity blocking their way

"I hope the Doctor is okay" Grace said

"We have to get to the Doctor's laboratory" Jack said

They went to the other direction and then Oogie's monsters appeared, they defeated them, they climbed up, Jack uses his Pumpkin Fire to destroy the wood that was blocking something and by something, it was a lever

"What does this lever do?" Jack asked and he pulled it and the electricity disappeared "oh it was for that"

They climbed down and went over to Dr. Finklestein's assistant, Igor

"Igor! Where's Dr Finklestein?" Jack asked

"Sorry, Igor under strict orders" Igor said "not let anyone pass"

"But we're here to rescue the Doctor from Oogie" Grace said

"Igor sorry, but Master said if Igor let anyone through, no biscuit!" Igor's stomach growls "ohhh, Igor starving! The Witch's shop... you get Igor biscuits, huh?"

"Ok, Igor" Jack said "if we bring you a biscuit, you'll let us pass?"

"Yes, Igor do for Jack and Grace! Hurry, Igor's starving" Igor said

So Jack and Grace were back at the Fountain Area to go to the Witch's shop

Suddenly, an iron fence appears from behind them, blocking the road back to the fountain

"Hey guys! I don't think you'll find me as forgiving as Lock!" Shock said

Shock pops out from behind the wall, followed by Lock and Barrel

"I let you win before!" Lock said

Shock puts her mask back on as Barrel hits Lock

"Quiet, you!" Barrel said to Lock

"Time for some help! Shock said and waves her broom around

An army of ghosts appears

"Get'em!!!" Shock said

Jack and Grace fight the ghost army. After battling the ghost army, Shock took off her witch mask and saw her ghost army is gone much to her surprise

"Huh? Where'd they all go? Time to scram!" Shock said and jumps behind the wall

"Weird" Grace said

Then Jack and Grace went to the Witch's shop and they came to one of the witches

"What's the matter, Jack?" One Witch asked

"I'd like to buy a bone biscuit" Jack said

"A bone biscuit?" One Witch said "I'm sorry, but Corpse Kid just came in here a moment ago and bought the last one"

"What?" Grace asked

Jack and Grace left the shop, went to the Fountain Area and went to the corpse kid

"Hey Corpse Kid? We need your bone biscuit" Grace said

"What? You want my bone biscuit?" Corpse Kid said "no way! This is mine!"

"My fine boy, we need that biscuit to save the Doctor from Oogie Boogie's clutches!" Jack said

"Oh, but this biscuit's mine..." Corpse Kid said "still, I guess you guys need it more than I do. I know! If you can pass my quiz, the biscuit is yours! It's about Halloween Town, so it should be easy for you, Pumpkin King!"

"That's fair" Grace said

"Question 1, what color is Sally's hair?" Corpse Kid asked

"It's red" Grace said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 2, what is the name of town in which Jack lives"

"Halloween Town" Jack said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 3, the water in the Halloween Town Fountain is what color?"

"Uhhh" Grace tries to remember "green?"

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 4, how many bolts does Dr. Finklestein have on his head?"

"Oh uhhh" Grace tries to think

"8" Jack said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 5, how many Hanging Men are on the Hanging Tree?"

"Oh it's 5" Grace said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 6, what is the most basic element of Halloween?"

"Hmm... Thrills and Chills?" Jack said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 7, what is Jack's last name?"

"It's Skellington" Grace said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 8, how many fingers does Jack have in one hand?"

"Umm.." Grace tries to think "4?"

"That's right" Corpse Kid said

"Yes! 4 fingers" Jack said as he wrapped his arm around her and gave her a little tickle with his other hand, making her giggle

"Question 9, what day is Halloween?" Corpse Kid said

"October 31st" Jack said

"That's right" Corpse Kid said "question 10, what shape is Jack's doorbell?"

"Uhhh" Grace tries to remember "was it a spider?"

"That's right, let's see, 10 correct answers, amazing" Corpse Kid said "way to go Jack and Grace! A deal is a deal, here's my biscuit"

As Corpse Kid gives Jack the biscuit, they thanked him and they went back to Igor

Igor eats his bone biscuit

"Oooh, biscuit tastes good" Igor said

"Now then, Igor, you promised to move aside" Jack said

"Igor keeps his promise" Igor said

As they were closer to the laboratory, the electricity was flicking on top of the building, it was about to strike Grace but then Jack immediately grabbed her and pulled her away

"What was that?" Jack asked "hmm.. where is that thing getting it's power from?"

"Doctor have bug generator behind the door over" Igor said and he shows them where it is "Jack and Grace smash circuit with something to make lighting stop"

"I bet that won't stop it for long" Jack said "we'd better get back quick or we are fried"

Jack uses his Pumpkin Fire to burn the wood to get through. They went in and it was a maze

"Maybe I can use this rock" Jack thought "if I grab the rock and take it through the maze, I can smash the junk and shut down that machine"

Jack grabs a giant rock with his Soul Rubber, swings it around, making Grace ducked down

"Be careful where you swing that rock" Grace said

"Oops, sorry" Jack apologized

They went through the maze, he throws the rock to the machine and the machine stopped

"All right! Now off to the Doctor's lab" Jack said and he and Grace ran off to the laboratory

Grace's Adventure In The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now