Super Duper Snõõper

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"I don't think this is optimal."

"Why not?"

Jimera stared at the shopping cart filled with groceries, "Because you don't need any of this stuff. Hell, where would you even put it?"

Me and Jimera decided to use two separate shopping carts. The one I was using will be used for my personal snacks and food, while Jimera will use his shopping cart for his cooking or whatever.

"Think about it. If I fill up the cart with this much stuff, we won't have to come back for a month or two," I answered.

My cart was filled with the usual items: Boxes of cereal, a gallon of chocolate milk, two party sized bags of chips, some microwave dinners, noodles and sauce for spaghetti, granola bars; The list goes on.

"Mom's fridge is already fully stocked," Jimera protested, "We can't fit another gallon of milk in there."

I don't know what he was going on about. Every one of the food is a necessity. In this cart is everything I desperately need like: Foods I can pop in the microwave for a little "midnight snack", food in the morning, something I can munch on in my room, sweets. If there isn't any room then I'll make room. It's as simple as that.

"You don't even need any of this stuff," Jimera picked up a box of cereal, "You can easily get the store brand instead, it's cheaper as well."


"They taste almost exactly-"


The grocery store itself isn't anything special. It's just your normal store that stays open until midnight. You come in, get your stuff, walk around the whole store in five minutes, and be on your way.

"C, it really doesn't matter," Jimera said, as an attempt to convince me.

"Dude, you offered to pay for my stuff," I reminded him, "What's the point of boxing and getting all that money, if you're going to be a cheapskate and not pay?"

"Hey, don't look at me any differently from before," He said, "Just because I have a little bit of money doesn't mean I should spend it all."

"No, but you should spend your money on your family."

Jimera rolled his eyes, "Fine, but I'm not going to spend this much next time."

The store actually got a remodel last year. Before it looked like a struggling supermarket, with its dirty tile floors and bland looks, But they took out the tiles and replaced it with these sleek wooden floors. They added a floral sections where you can go and find all these beautiful flowers, and the self-checkout section has been added so people don't have to talk to cashiers. It overall looks really nice on the inside. They also rebuilt their parking lot since people's cars were running it down. The lot now has this smooth, black road; With the parking spots being separated from each other with bright yellow lines.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here," Jimera said.

We rolled our carts throughout the store, looking for food or items that we might need for the house.

The store itself is a popular spot for families in this area. It's not as big as Walmart or Target, but it's also not as small as a convenience store (obviously). It's a hot spot for people to come in and buy groceries for the months and move on with their lives. Because of that, the store usually gets busy during rush hour.

"AHHHHH!" A scream echoed throughout the store.

"What the," Jimera rushed over to the sound of the scream.

I don't know why he's the one who's running over there, I should be the person making moves.

We found a woman running around like a headless chicken in the produce section. Wailing her arms around in a panic, while desperately
trying to run away from whatever is chasing her. She sped around the banana section, pushed carts out of her way, and even push some random guy behind her to block her chaser.

"Ciro, you see anything?" Jimera asked me.

Yeah, I do; And I might have to step in.

"I got it, I got it!" A middle-aged man ran over to the woman and sprayed a can of bug spray into the air.

The area soon smelled like chemicals with the strong odors entering our noses.

"Got that sucker!" The man pat himself on the back (not physically).

"What was it?"

"What happened?"

Drawing a crowd, maybe it was best for someone else to handle it.

"Good lord, that's huge!"

"That's a freak of nature!"

One single wasp lied on the ground. Twitching his skinny legs with whatever life it had left.

"Looks like something out of 'The Mist'," Jimera stated.

The wasp was three inches long, with it's wingspan probably five inches. It looks like a mutation. I never seen a freakishly big wasp like that.

"It looks disgusting," I said.

Employees of the store gathered around the area, discussing what just happened.

"We're going to have throw away the whole shelf," One employee said to the other, pointing to the banana shelf.

I guess the man didn't think about the food around him. It's probably more than the banana shelf that's contaminated.

"What if there's more out there?" An older woman asked, fear was appearing in her voice.

"Does anyone even know what these things are called?" A random person said from the crowd.

"Jim, we should probably get going."


Me and my brother left the scene and grabbed our carts. I don't know what that thing was, but it's not normal. Could there be more out there? Maybe there's a nest somewhere in a tree. Thinking about that is terrifying. What the hell was that?

"I got some coupons that I'm gonna use on your items," Jimera told me.

"Why?" I questioned, "You have, like, millions in your bank account. You don't need to use coupons."

Jimera started scanning my items, keeping his cart close to mine at the register.

"I have a bad feeling about that wasp," He confessed, "That thing was huge. I never seen one that big here or New York."

Jimera placed the items in specific bags, cold items with the cold items, smaller boxes of cereal were by themselves in their own bags, bread was by itself in one bag.

"I know," I said, "I don't know where that thing came from, but it wasn't from nature."

Jimera placed the bags of items in my shopping carts and sorted each bag in specific places.

"It probably has a poisonous stinger," A older man said from across the self-checkout.

"Poor woman," Another person said, "Hope she didn't get hurt."

If there's one bug, then there's probably many more. That's the first rule with insects. There's never a one-of-a-kind. Probably has an entire colony, but how the fuck am I gonna find it?

"What do you think?" Jimera asked, "You wanna handle it? Or are you gonna let the officials control this?"

Don't know. I really don't. With everything going on, I need to handle things one at a time.

But even so, I doubt that's the last of them I'm gonna see them.

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