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Author's Note: I started writing this one, I think back in seventh grade... damn... the last time I edited this one was back in 2016... when I graduated high school 💀... So if this sounds cheesy... My bad...


Another day passed by here in my city. The sky is clear, the sun is setting, and I'm on my way back home - later than usual because my dad wanted me to go grocery shopping with him so he can know I am eating healthy. (He says I should eat healthy, but it's his fault I'm so used to eating a lot of sweets, he should've stopped me when he had the chance, as in when I was a kid!)

Anyways, as I was walking about, I heard people talking about the blue moon that's supposed to happen tonight. What's special about that? It's just a blue moon. That's nothing compared to the eclipses or anything of a sort. This moon only comes out every 20 years, and that day is tonight.

I reached my front steps and saw this small box lying about. For some reason, it was making this tinkling sound as I approached it. I noticed there were no note on it. People were passing by us (what if it was something valuable?). I shook it a bit, it was just the same tinkling sound from before. "Eh, finders keepers." I opened it on the spot, and then, the most unexpected thing happened! I was affected by its cuteness! A beautiful bombay kitten was looking at me with its crystal blue eyes. I knew I couldn't take it home with me because I don't have enough time to take care of it properly, but I couldn't say no to that innocent creature. "I'm gonna take you home with me, little one."

I gave it a quick bath, surprisingly it wasn't as dirty as I thought it would have been, and realized it was a she. After giving her some milk, a bath, and a bed out of other pillows I had lying around the house, I decided to name her Aoitsuki, which translates to Blue Moon - you know... because of tonight... and... of anime... you know. We actually had a pretty good time together. For the first time in a long time, I didn't feel alone at home.

Night finally came, and I wish it didn't.

It was the special moon night, and the worst day of my life yet. I was sleeping soundly, when I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. Aoitsuki wasn't in bed anymore. "Eh, she's fine on her own." I then changed my mind becauseI heard the fridge door open. A cat that small can't open a fridge, right? Oh god, am I being robbed?! I grabbed a hanger from my wardrobe, my phone, ready to call the police, and headed downstairs. I searched the rest of the house to see if there were others, but all was empty except for the kitchen. I was hiding behind a wall, and then, I saw... a kid chugging all of my milk? She was very small, had pretty black hair like Aoitsuki's fur, crystal blue eyes like Aoitsuki, a choker like Aoitsuki's col-- Oh my God....

"A... Aoi... Aoitsuki," I stammered, "is that y- you?" The little girl closed the fridge door and looked in my direction. "Hi Light," she said as she smiled at me. I looked at her with confusion, and then at my watch which marked 1:37 am. I looked back at her, who was still drinking more milk.

"What have I gotten myself into?!"


Author's note: This is my oldest with 3 chapters done. It's one that I had all the characters planned and lots of notes for this story too, only to give up on it 😅. Sorry, younger me...

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