When You Have a Bad Day He...

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John Cena

Cooks you whatever you want to eat.

Brock Lesnar

Tells you a story of his past. They always soothe you and make you feel better.

Dean Ambrose

Does everything and anything to get your spirits up and you smiling.

Seth Rollins

Tickles you until you have the biggest smile on your face.

Roman Reigns

Gives you a massage until you drift asleep, then when you wake up he gives you a meal in bed.

Randy Orton

Gives you space. He knows you will talk to him when you are ready.

Dolph Ziggler

Teases you with hugs and kisses until you tell him what is wrong.

Adrian Neville

Let's you tell him about all your troubles and listens to every single word, giving you advice along the way.

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