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Eden's prospective:
Cecil that name sounds familiar. Like I heard it before. I have a feeling that it's not a good name though.
I look over out the window slow rain drops fall. The reflection of the lights through the water droplets always amazes me. We pass a church with a lit up sigh advertisement, Saying "follow god, and he shall follow you." On the upper left corner of the screen was the time. 3:47 a.m.
What the hell I got work in the morning, I think to myself after comprehending the time. I didn't even want go out tonight. I got myself into a fucking mess, where I don't even know where I am. I need to get out of this car. "Can you let me out please." I have a lump in my throat. scared? Will this man, Cecil, let me out. Or maybe it's because I don't know how I got here or why I agreed to this. I can't remember the last few hours. Maybe because I always realize how fucked up my life is when it's to late to turn back. Maybe.. maybe....did tray put something in my drink?"I want to go home." I whisper to myself. Making excuses in my head on how I got here. I just turned 23 two months ago, so I'm still really young. But that doesn't mean anything I'm still an adult and have responsibilities. I don't even know if this man will let me go. My mind is racing.

The car comes to an abrupt stop. The Cecil's arm reaches over my chest as an attempt to stop and impact on me. I hear a man curse up front, I assume is the driver. But it didn't sound like it was English. Cecil's arm retreats back to his lap.
"You ok?"
"Yeah," I replied.
Cecil leaned up to the driver and speakers, but I can tell what's he's saying. I was right the driver does speak a different language.
After about 30 seconds he leans back in his seat.
"We're taking you home. I'm sorry about the trouble." He avoids eye contact with me but I can tell he's annoyed. The car starts moving again. I was to nervous to ask if we hit anything. After a while I realized that I never told this man where I live yet still taking every right turn. I don't say anything the rest of the ride he was silent. It was a little hard not to look at him the lights though the window looked so beautiful against his jaw and nose. His eyelashes were long. When I looked a little closer there was a small scar on his cheekbone underneath the right eye.

We pull up to my apartment and I say thank you. They didn't leave until I got inside my apartment room. That could be taken several different ways. You see if I get home safe or just some random creepy thing.
I check the house and I don't see Mona here I call her and she doesn't answer. By the time I finally convince myself that she's safe and lay down, the time is 5:18. Fuck I need to sleep.
I passed out as soon as my head hit that pillow.
I wake up from my phone going off
•six missed calls from madden•
•two missed calls from Mona•
•one missed calls from Tray•
•one new notification from Cecil•
Time 12:49 p.m.
I burry my face into my pillow. Then I hear a slam and Mona's voice yelling.
"YOU BETTER BE FUCKING HERE E!" E was short for Eden.
My door swings open. Then I see Mona jump on top of me in a straddle position. A sting comes across my face. She slapped me.
"Eden we were worried sick. Why the fuck were you not answering your phone."
"I'm sorry. I-", she pressed her finger against my lip to stop me from explaining.
"Hush now darling, I have things to tell you!"
For about 30 minutes she spent lecturing me and the another 30 about how she finally slept with the bartender, so I'm lucky that she didn't need me to take her home.

I called madden as soon as Mona was done blabbering. He seemed upset and worried, but I reassured him that I was ok.
He brought me an ankle tracker and said it was his personal house arrest on me. It had a clip so I can take it off whenever, but he really insist on me just keeping it on. It wasn't a big box like thing on my foot. It was actually quite small like an anklet. It was a silver chain with a little charm, which I assume is the tracker part.
I went back to bed for another hour forgetting the text I got from Cecil.
Maddens perspective:

"Hello?" I pick up my burner phone.
"Boss Cecil is with Eden." The man replied
"What why? Where are they?" Getting a little panicky. I sit up in my chair better and but the man on speaker, so I do t have to hold the phone to my ear.
"There at a club. The same one Eden's been taking Mona for the past 4 months."
"Ok just watch him carefully. If he try's to take her home, stop him." My voice goes into a more stronger tone. Eden's my best friend and I want her to be safe. Cecil is not a good guy. He has a record.
I fix myself some tea and try to relax. I go on my phone and order security security cameras. I been meaning to get some for the café.
I get another call.
"Why did you have to ruin the fun? I thought we were friends." I immediately. Could tell it was Cecil.
"You know Eden's my best friend. With your reputation I don't want you to be anywhere around her!" Irritated by his words I raise my voice a bit. "I want to keep Eden out of this I don't want her to know what I do!"
He snickers on the other side of the line. "What you don't what her to know you kill people."
"I- I don't kill people."
" yeah, but the drugs you sell them do. You might have not grabbed a blade and shoved it down someone's throat, but madden you have killed people" he takes a pause. "Madden we both know people are looking for you and your little company. And one day you might have to use a blade."
"Stop... just stay away from her. If I catch you near her then I will fucking use that blade." I say with a sturen tone before hanging up.

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