Chapter Seventeen

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As they arrived home, Emery felt an annoying sensation in the pit of her stomach. It started off as a doll ache, but it had slowly continued to grow, becoming a sharp, burning sensation that was difficult to ignore
    She wanted to tell Atlas. She wanted to share her feelings and hopes, but she was scared. She was afraid that it would worry him, she was afraid that he would be upset, and she was afraid that he would see her as weak.
    So she kept silent, Emery tried to distract herself, she tried to focus on the positives, but the sensation continued to grow. It was slowly becoming overwhelming, and she knew that she couldn't ignore it much longer.
     She needed to tell him, she needed to share her feelings and her fears, but she was scared. She was afraid of what he would think, she was afraid of how he would react, and she was afraid of how things would change.
    As the day progressed, she found herself becoming more and more overwhelmed by the sensation, and she knew that she couldn't keep quite much longer. She was scared, but she was going to have to face her fears, and she was gonna have to share her feelings, and she was going to have to trust him with her fears and hopes.

Another Universe, Another Love Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα