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(Serena's POV)

A part of me was so relieved my father was dead. He's been abusive ever since my mom died and knowing he was gone was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Then the other part of me was screaming, I had just been taken by these random people who killed my father and I had no idea what they wanted to do with me. 

The man who's name I now knew as Kaden stood in the kitchen drinking some kind of alcohol. I scrunched up my nose, the sight of alcohol made me tense. Cora held my hand as we walked up the stairs and down the hall to her room. I was very confused. 

If they wanted to hurt me why would this girl be so nice to me? and why did she offer to recover everything that was on my phone? 

"I'm really sorry this happened, it was just supposed to be your father alone," Cora says as she opens the door to her room and leads me in. Its a very pretty pink and white theme. There are pictures on the wall in clusters, most of them are her and the two guys that were in the van.

"I don't understand what's happening," I admit as we sit on her big bed. It was soft and I really liked it, reminded me of my bed at home. I missed my bed and my stuffies already. 

"Well someone put a hit on your dad and they paid us to do it. You weren't supposed to be with him, we had no idea." I look to the ground as I pick at my fingers. 

"Yeah, I showed up cause he forgot an important file and didn't have time to grab it." She nods and looks around her room before jumping up and grabbing her laptop. I watch as she opens it up and starts typing on it. "What are you doing?" I question curiously. 

"Just pulling up everything that was on your phone incase you needed it!" she tells me. I feel a slight panic rise in my chest as my heart races. 

"No, you don't need to!" I say, trying to act calm. She looks at me with an odd look and just goes back to typing before she stops. I watch her carefully, she's studying the screen. 

I try to keep my breathing even, I'm hoping she doesn't find the things I have in my camera roll and social media. This was such a big secret and of course this would happen to me. This is the one thing I never wanted to get out, especially with what happened when my father found out. 

I felt a sense of dread as she just looked at the laptop screen. I wanted to go home and I wanted to be with my stuffies and Aiden. I just wanted it all to go away and I had a feeling it wouldn't . "Serena?" Cora's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up from my shoes and to her. She gives me a shy smile. 

"I found something, and I think that you probably didn't want me to see it." Here we go, I brace myself for anything. I expect her to speak again, to yell or make fun of me. She just sits there with a smile on her face. I kind of wish she would, so we can get it over with. 

"You're not going to make fun of me? or hit me?" I question, she gives me a confused look. 

"Why would I do that?" 

Maybe because you and two guys kidnapped me and now I'm here and one the the biggest secrets I have has been revealed and I'm terrified of what's going to happen to me. 

"I don't know?" I say, it comes out as more of a question than a statement. Cora turns the computer screen to me and shows me the photos in my camera roll of me with my paci in my mouth and wearing cute outfits. Most of them had been taken by Aiden, my brother, and Molly my best friend. 

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off. "Don't worry I know what it is. I regress too!" she says cheerfully. I take a moment to register what she said. She what?

"If this is some sort of joke then it's not funny." She shakes her head and gets up, walking to her closet and pulling out a box. It's a pink box with white lace around it. She places it on the bed and opens it. I peak my head over, gasping when I see the contents of the box. 

There are Pacis, sippy cups, teethers, and bottles. She wasn't lying. "See! this is my stuff! and this is Ellie the elephant!" Cora reaches behind her pillow, pulling the elephant stuffed animal out. I smile and pet Ellie. 

"I got a stuffie too, his name is snowflake and he's a seal!" I giggle. I don't know why, but I feel my mind go slightly fuzzy. I didn't expect to regress, especially here and now. Cora hands me Ellie and runs across the room, opening a chest full of toys. 

"Wanna play?" she asks excitedly. I hesitate for a moment. I know its probably not a good idea to trust any of them but she's a little too! and I love playing!

"Mhm!" I rush over, plopping down next to her as she pulls out barbies and opens the dream house that was hidden behind the chest. We start to play and I start to regress further and further, finding comfort in forgetting what happened earlier and just having fun.  

I don't realize how much time has passed until we hear knocking at Cora's door. I look up for a moment but ignore it and so does Cora. We giggle together as we make barbie and ken kiss. I hear the door open and footsteps stop right behind us. 

I look up and see Kaden, the man from earlier in the kitchen. He's staring at me with a confused look. I giggle and hold out my barbie. Maybe he wants to play with us? 

"Kiki!!" Cora squeals as she jumps up and hugs him. His face softens and he kisses her head. "Look! Serena a little too an we playin!!" Kaden looks over at me and smiles, nodding and crouching down in front of me. 

"How old are you?" he asks me, I think for a moment before holding up three fingers. "Oh wow, small baby we have here," he says, smiling. I nod and look around searching for Snowflake before remembering I'm not at home.  

"Wan' snowflake," I tell Kaden, who just looks at me with a confused look. Cora cuts in to help. 

"Snowflake her stuffie! Bubby she want her stuffie," Cora says in a firm tone. I giggle and nod. 

"Oh. How about you both come with me for some dinner and I can see what I can do about snowflake." He reaches his hand out, I take it as he helps me up. His other hand is holding Cora's as we walk out of the room together and go down the stairs slowly. 

I hear the other guy shouting something I don't really understand. "Brendon," Kaden says with a firm voice like he used earlier. The man, Brendon, looks up and furrows his eyebrows. "We have another little one joining us for dinner," Kaden nods his head to me and Brendon just gets up and walks to us. 

"Hey there hun, I'm Brendon!" I look up at him and giggle, he has cool hair that is tied up in a bun. 

"'m Serena." He nods and I let go of Kaden's hand, reaching for Cora's instead. She happily takes it, also letting go of Kaden's other hand. 

'Watch them, I have to plate up dinner." Kaden walks off, Brendon leads us to the living room and presses pause on the tv show he was watching. I try to peak at it but he turns it off and sits next to us on the big comfy couches. I swing my feet because they don't touch the ground due to the couches basically swallowing me and Cora. 

"How old are you?" Brendon asks, I look up at him with a confused look. I just told Kaden how old I was! 

"She's three Bren!" Cora speaks for me, I'm kinda glad she did because I didn't feel like talking much. I lay my head on her shoulder and she plays with the ends of my hair. 

"Dinner's ready!" Kaden shouts, I whine at his loud voice and snuggle closer into Cora's side. 

"C'mon lets eat then bedtime," Brendon helps us up. I don't feel too hungry, I just want to sleep. I hadn't gotten much the night before because I kept waking up from nightmares. We walk to the kitchen where I see a big table and four plates with pasta in them. I take a seat next to Cora and pick my fork up, the least I could do was eat a little bit of food. 


"Alright all done?" Kaden asks us. Me and Cora nod as we walk out of the bathroom. I'm wearing borrowed pj's from Cora. Kaden coos at us, walking us to Cora's room and letting us get comfortable. 

He set up a little place on the couch in the room for me. I lay down and yawn, sleep immediately taking over my body. I blink slowly as Kaden says goodnight to us and turns the lights off. My eyes flutter closed as I finally let myself fall asleep. 

WC: 1623 

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