Chapter 1: The bet

Start from the beginning

Finally i went back home.

"I'm back."

Mother:"Where were you?"

'Should i tell her about the bet..?'
I thought.

"I went to the academy"

Mother:"Which academy?"

"The famous one"

Mother:" Oh!.... wait... The most powerful school in the country!?"

"I tried to do the exam"

Mother:"But your too dumb to pass that, Plus its a school only for the best students!"

"I know,I did that to purposely fail."

Mother:"Let me guess...,You made a bet again with your brother?"


Mother:"Whatever, Its not like you will pass that exam anyway."

3 days has passed and a letter came by the door.

Sister:"Mom!, Im back from work. I found this letter by the door,"

Mother:"Oh i think.... It's for kim"

Sister:"Kim? Like for kim johnson..?"


Sister:"But this letter looks so expensive and its very well written...Why would it be for kim?"

Mother:"I think i know were that letter came from.. just give it to kim."

Sister:"Yeah yeah.."

my sister went inside my room and gave me the letter
as she looked at me with a weird expression.

"whats this..?"

Sister:"Its a letter."

"I know its a letter but what is it for?"

Sister:"I dont know! Open it."


I opened the letter carefully and began to read whats inside.

"Congratulations! Kim johnson.
You have passed the examinees as 5th place as a scholar in our school!

Although you didn't do much in clearing the dungeons, You got a high score in your written exams making you pass as 5th place.

We will welcome you next week!

Well lend you a school uniform next week and remember to wear this scholar badge in school so that we will know you are a scholar that passed the exams, Please do not lose it!"

As soon as i put the letter on my desk,I took the badge and looked at it for at least a few seconds...

Confusion filled in my thoughts...
The ahoge of my hair on my head began to move and resembled a confused question mark.

"Huh..?, huh..????"


Sister:"Why are you confused?"

"I don't know..."

Sister:"What do you mean you dont know??"

"I dont know..." I said in a confusing way possible.

My sister then took the letter from the desk and read the paper.


Sister:"YOU PASSED....???" My sister's eyes widened.

Sister:"Which school did you attend!?"

"The famous and powerful one."

Sister:"YOU MEAN....?!!"My sister shouted from confusion and was stunned.

"Yup" i said expressionlessly, as i stared at my sister's shocked face.

Sister:"How.....?? your too dumb for that school, Did you cheat!?"
My sister asked confusingly.

"No, i didn't cheat.. It was a coincidence."
"I only added random stuff on my written exams..."

Sister:"Then how com-"

Before my sister finished her sentence my brother banged on the door as he went inside the room.

Brother:"YOU PASSED!!????"



Brother:"-I thought you would fail tho!?"


Brother:"Oh will, You owe me 20 dollars."


My mom heard everything and went running inside the room first as my dad followed her due to curiosity as he just got home from work.

Mother:"YOU PASSED???!!"
Mother was also stunned and surprised.

Father:"who passed..?"

Mother:"Your adopted son!"

Father:"Oh... congratulations, kim! We should celebrate this!

Mother:"Yea! We should celebrate this!"
She said in an excited tone.

"But I don't know how i pass-"

Mother:"Doesn't matter!, You passed anyway!"

Father:"Yeah we should celebrate tomorrow!"


My parents ran back down stairs while they prepared the party, My brother began to laugh like some chick while my sister was confused with question marks around her.

Brother:"Lollll...I cant believe you passed....."


"Im confused also.... will it doesn't matter. I got into that school because of a bet and now ill start going to that school next week."

my sister sighed.
Sister:"Will whatever....It's none of my business. Good luck anyway"

Brother:"But that also means you wont see us anymore."

"I know."

Brother:"You will visit us right?"

"Probably not."

'i'd probably be too busy to visit.'
i thought.

Brother:"Oh im sure you will."

Both my siblings walked back into their rooms while i laid on my bed and began to wonder if it really is a coincidence or not.

'I wonder.... if this is a coincidence..?'

'...... Whatever....It already happened....'

'Not like i would care anyway..'
I thought.

But i still wondered if it is true.
whether this is a dream or not...

I then wondered if i get any friends there too..

probably not but.. still...

After that..i went back to sleep.

[Expressionless Awakener]

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