Chapter One

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A/N: Okay, let me just say right off the bat that this is going to very loosely follow the events in canon, if at all. This is a lighter, fix-it type of story, because what's the point of writing a fanfiction without trying your hand at changing something?

As the title might imply, Hermione will be the star of the show. While some of the misadventures Harry embarks on will happen, they'll either be off-screen or altered from canon. The point of this series is to create new adventures for Hermione and see how they affect the canon plot.
This first book will be much shorter than the others—a prequel story, if you will—because it will be about her life before Hogwarts, and really, it's not that fun without all her friends there to add some excitement.

Also, as of writing this author's note, I haven't solidified any pairings. I've planned out the seven years in just under twenty pages of notes, but this is for fanfiction, and planning beyond the major plot points is cumbersome and timely. Since I also write for money, I won't spend that much time figuring out every detail beforehand. The focus is on experiencing the adventures with friends, and if she experiences crushes and dates along the way, then so be it. Part of the adventure is not knowing who her end game is. Just be advised that I have a proclivity for Hermione/Multi. pairings or reverse-harem pairings.

Lastly, without revealing too much of the plot, she descends from two powerful lines and will have two rare abilities because of it. If over-powered Hermione is not your kick, you might want to keep scrolling.She'll save lives, she'll lose some, some things might echo of major events she experienced in the book series, but nothing so repetitive that you're just reading a copy and paste of Rowling's stories.

So, after that quite wordy author's note, let me step back and let you enjoy the show.

Chapter 1 – October 28, 1985

Hermione sighed, seeing her breath in the air.

She sat up, squinting in the dark of her room. It'd been so long since her last episode that her parents' smiles had grown genuine throughout the last week instead of forced. They'd even taken some time off from their practice to spend time with her this summer.

"Ignore it, Hermione," she whispered to herself. "Just ignore it. There's nothing cowardly about ignoring something already dead, especially when it messes up your life."

A blast of cold sliced through the room before leveling out once more.

Despite her words, she couldn't ignore the presence behind her. Resigned, she squeezed her eyes shut before reopening them. An ethereal blue light tinted everything, the brightest point of which originated from behind her.

Already knowing what she'd see if she turned, she faced the apparition.

It was a small girl around her age, maybe a year older, and she instinctively knew that fact would make her life that much more difficult when empathy sprung up with a fierce vengeance.

If she was a recently deceased six-year-old girl, wouldn't she want someone to notify her parents about where her body was located? Especially if, as were most of the ghosts that visited her, a violent death was involved?

Put in perspective like that, she gathered up her considerable maturity for her young age and cast aside her worries. This girl had recently died, and she was worried about her parents not wanting to take time off work to spend the day at the zoo with her.

"Hello," Hermione whispered, keeping her voice low to not disturb her parents. The zoo was her favorite place after all, second only to the local library. There was no point in dragging them into matters if this ghost's issue was something that could be resolved on her own. "My name's Hermione. What's your name?"

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