Season 1: dieciséis

Start from the beginning

'I'm not dancing with Cesar' Olivia told him, making us look confused at them. 'what?' Ruby exclaimed.

'Why?' I asked them confused. 'We just broke up' Olivia responded. I put a hand on Cesar's arm, smiling at him. Today is not his day.

'Are you kidding me? The whole day is falling apart' Ruby sighed. 'Cesar, your timing is terrible'

'She dumped me' Cesar told him awkwardly. 'We dumped eachother' Olivia corrected.

'If You're not gonna dance with Cesar, who are you gonna dance with?' Ruby asked her. 'I have my dancing partner' Angel said quickly, pulling me closer so Ruby wouldn't separate us, like teachers do to us in class.

'You' Olivia shrugged, looking at Ruby. Ruby's eyes widened a little as he gave a little smirk.

'Britney spears is back' Angel mumbled to me.

Fast forward to about an hour later, we finally had to dance. Angel and I trying to keep a professional face but wanting to laugh every passing second.

'Can we eat now?' I asked Ruby as soon as the dance was over. 'Go' he sighed, making Angel and I run to the table full of tamales Abuelita made.

'I really wish they were tacos' I said to Angel, with a mouthful of tamale. Angel laughed as we continued stuffing our face.

'So' she began. I grabbed a few chips and put them in my mouth. 'Are you gonna text him back?' Angel asked.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. 'I don't wanna talk about Elijah right now'

'Dani, stop lying to yourself' Angel sighed, slapping my hand away from grabbing more chips. 'Hey!'

'You really like him' she smiled at me. I really do. I'm just scared now. About everything.

'Call him' Angel told me. I thought about it before nodding my head. 'I'll call him before we go home'

'Now we have to enjoy Olivia's quince' I told Angel. 'Your brother surely is' Angel said, looking behind me.

I turned around and saw Cesar and Monse kissing while everyone was slow dancing around them.

'It's disgusting but cute at the same time' I told her as I smiled at them. A more upbeat song came on and Angel pulled me to the dance floor, dancing with Cesar and Monse.

'No twerking' Ruby joked as he and Olivia joined us.

'Look at that pimp stick' Ruby said, turning our attention towards a guy who was dancing next to us, making us all laugh.

'I miss Jamal. I got to apologize' Monse said. 'Yeah, where is that motherfucker? Why did you guys fight now?' Angel asked her confused.

'Just dumb stuff like always' I quickly told her before anyone could say anything.

'You will. But right now, you got to dance' Ruby told Monse. 'Then this one's for Jamal' Monse responded.

'For Jamal!' The four of them yelled while laughing. 'They're so weird, I love them' I laughed with Angel as she nodded in agreement.

The six of us kept dancing. And for a minute, I forgot everything. I felt happy with the people around me.


I looked to the side and saw why Ruby called out to my brother.


With a gun pointed at us.

The first gun shot rang and that's when I could push Angel, Cesar and Monse to the side.

Then the second gun shot rang.

Latrelle stared at me for less than a second before running away. Leaving me to stumble from the impact of the shot, eventually falling down.



I heard Angel's faint voice as I saw her head above me. It hurts so much. It's cold. I'm really cold.

I saw Cesar's head above me as the both of them looked at me in panic.

'You're gonna be okay, your gonna be okay' Cesar said as he held my hand. 'Put you jacket under her head' Angel told him, panicked.

I saw the both faintly through my tears as Cesar put his jacket under my head.

'It's gonna be okay, Dani' Cesar cried, holding my hand tightly.

And although it may sound wrong or dumb. But I missed one person who really calms me down.

'Oscar' I cried to Cesar. 'We're gonna call Oscar, Dani' Angel told me, moving my hair from my face. The pain in my chest growing heavier by the minute.

'I want Oscar' I kept crying. I need my older brother. 'I'm gonna call him, hermana' I kept crying, wanting to feel my older brother next to me, comforting me.

I kept crying to Oscar, my eyes shutting slowly.

'I need Oscar'

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