Chapter 39

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The train compartment was filled with a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and a hint of anxiety about the impending OWL results.

I leaned against Draco's shoulder, my eyes wandering over the passing scenery. The emerald landscapes of the Scottish countryside flashed by.

Draco's fingers gently traced patterns on the back of my hand, a silent reassurance that everything would be alright.

The train gradually came to a halt, and we gathered our belongings to exit the compartment. I couldn't help but notice the unusual absence of my mother and Draco's father. It was just my father and Cissy. A sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Father, what's wrong?" I inquired, concern etching my voice as I glanced at Draco, who wore a similarly perplexed expression.

Cissy stepped forward, her elegant features portraying a mix of seriousness and worry. "We will discuss everything later. Right now, we need to get you three back to the manor."

Anxiety coiled within me, and I exchanged a glance with Draco. His attempt to reassure me with a comforting smile fell short as my mind raced with apprehension.

Draco reached for my hand, offering silent support, but the knot of worry in my chest tightened.

Finally arriving at the Malfoy Manor, I didn't anticipate a place already steeped in darkness to grow even darker.

I exchanged a glance with Theo, his reassuring expression silently conveying, "It's okay." His unspoken support eased my nerves, if only slightly.

My father and Cissy led us to the family room, gesturing for us to take a seat. The somber atmosphere in the room heightened my unease, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something grave was about to unfold.

My father cleared his throat, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the room. "Emilia, Theo, Draco," he began, "there's something we need to discuss."

My heart quickened its pace as anxiety gripped me. Cissy shot me a sympathetic look, adding to my growing trepidation.

"As you three know," my father continued, "the wizarding world is undergoing turbulent times. Recent events have led to a significant crackdown on those suspected of the attack in the ministry. Your mother, Emilia and Theo, and your father, Draco, have been apprehended and sent to Azkaban."

A heavy weight settled in the pit of my stomach as the words hung in the air. The revelation sent shockwaves through me, and I exchanged a glance with Theo, who mirrored my disbelief. The repercussions of such news were beyond comprehension.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right," I stuttered, the words feeling unreal and nightmarish.

Theo, sitting beside me, seemed to share my disbelief. "Our mother is in Azkaban?"

My father's stern expression and Cissy's solemn nod confirmed our worst fears.

"In worse news," Cissy continued, her voice strained, "the Dark Lord has chosen the Malfoy Manor as his headquarters for his followers."

The realization hit me like a tidal wave, and I couldn't bear to stay seated.

Without a word, I stood up, the chair scraping against the floor as I pushed it back. The room felt oppressive, and I needed air, space—anything to escape the suffocating truth. Draco, understanding my turmoil, rose from his seat, silently following as I made my way out of the family room.

I found myself standing in the garden, Draco finally catching up to me as he offered comfort

"Emmy," he began gently, concern etched across his face. "Are you okay?"

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