Chapter 19

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It had been a couple of weeks since the night of the third task, and the revelation of my Legilimency ability had added an unexpected layer to my already complicated life. The aftermath of Cedric's death and the return of Voldemort lingered in the air at Hogwarts, casting a shadow over the usual school activities.

My lessons with Snape have been going well. I've managed to control myself when talking to someone without reading into their mind.

My Occlumency has been mastered as well. And since it's the end of the year Snape said we will continue at the start of the next school year.

I decided on not letting anyone know besides my brother. He was jealous at first saying that he wishes he didn't have to learn it like the rest

But overall I think it's best I keep it to myself until I am able to be fully in control of it.

not telling Draco has been harder than expected. I know he wouldn't care or make a deal out of it but I just rather be safe than sorry.

I do trust him, however his father does scare me and if he's anything like my mother, he'd be able to get my secret out of him.

As we boarded the Hogwarts Express, Draco offered to handle my trunk like the gentleman he often tried to be.

"Emmy, let me take your trunk. I've got this." He said prompting me to kiss him on the cheek

"Oh, Draco, love, be a gentleman and help me too, would you?" Theo asked with puppy eyes

Draco raised an eyebrow at Theo

"I'll give you a kiss," Theo said with a smirk and a wink

Draco recoiled, a look of mild disgust crossing his face.

"I'll pass on that offer yet again, Nott"

I chuckled at the banter between them.

Theo huffed like a baby pouting as he put his trunk in the train.

"Come on, boys, let's not make a scene. Draco, thank you for getting my trunk. Theo, just handle your own. No need for kisses and trying to steal my boyfriend."

Draco gave me a grateful smile as he made his way back to me. Theo mumbled something about being underappreciated but eventually managed his trunk.

Entering a compartment, we found Blaise, Daphne, and Pansy already settled in.

Draco, Theo, and I sat down. The conversation quickly turned to summer plans.

"So, what's everyone doing this summer?" Asked Daphne

Pansy responds, "My parents are taking us to the French Riviera. Finally, a break from British weather."

"Sounds posh. I'm just going to relax at home, maybe explore a few new places in Italy." Blaise said crossing his arms all cool like.

"Em and I are stuck with family obligations, but hey, maybe we'll discover a newfound love for family gatherings."

We all chuckled at Theo's sarcasm.

"I convinced my father to let me go to America to stay with some family friends for a week and visit my friends!" I said with a happy look.

"And I will be miserable that whole week, my love," Draco said, giving me a kiss.

"See, I know we all expected this, but I still find it weird witnessing it," Blaise said with a semi-grossed face.

"I don't know how everyone expected it; it shocks me to this day," Theo said, causing everyone to laugh.

Sing to me foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora