"Thanks dad!"

Pidge lead Lance down another long hallway and finally down an elevator to the bottom floor. "We're here." She said.

"Finally. That took years."

"Try having to do this everyday!"

"You guys are so technologically advanced but haven't figured out a more efficient way to get around?"

"Oh no, we have, it's just more fun this way." Pidge smiled.

"Fun for who?" Lance whined.

Pidge once again scanned her hand print, and they were let into a huge training room where six teenagers stood chatting amongst themselves. There was a mix of cadets there from all sorts of planets, most of which Lance had never seen before. He really missed a lot being stuck on the harm didn't he? He could've believe how many different civilisations had come to Earth to start a new life.

As they got closer to them, Pidge told Lance that this is the best six cadets they have in the whole programme out of almost a hundred. She picked them out specifically because of their quick learning skills, their age, and because she thought Lance would like a challenge. The cadets are all between sixteen and eighteen, which Pidge thought was the perfect range for Lance to teach.

"It's Lance! Guys look, it's the paladin of the Red Lion!" Shouted one of the cadets, making everyone quickly turn to look in Lance's direction.

"Good afternoon cadets." Pidge said to the group. "As promised, all your hard work has earned you a reward. For today's session, you will be going through target training lead by none other than Lance."

The cadets all squealed in excitement. Lance couldn't help but smile, and honestly it gave him a slight confidence boost. For the first time in so long, he felt recognised and appreciated. This was going to be so much fun. Well, if he still even remembers how to shoot.

"You were the teams sharpshooter, right? That's so cool! I want to be just like you." Said one of the teenagers in the front.

"The one and only. If you want to be like me, you're going to have to work really hard." Lance replied, earning an eye roll from Pidge.

"Alright team, I'm leaving you in Lance's hands. I'll be back in about an hour. Sounds good?"

"Wait- what? You never mentioned-" Lance tried to speak, but got cut off by Pidge.

"You'll be fine. You've got this, Lance. You were the teams sharpshooter for a reason, remember? I have to go help Matt with some new tech, but I'll be back in an hour. Just have fun with them."

Oh boy. What did he let himself get into.

After Pidge left and Lance was left alone with the cadets, he felt a little helpless.

"What will we be doing?" Asked another cadet.

"Uh-" Lance had no idea. He was not prepared for this. "First, I need to get to know you all. I can't teach you if I don't know what you're already capable of." Good start. "Why don't you all tell me your name and your specialty to begin with."

"My name is Ines." Said one of the girls. "I'm an engineer for class 1 fighter jets."

"I'm Elijah. I'm also an engineer but for all class cargo jets."

"I'm Priya, a fighter pilot just like you! I'm also the best shooter here." She was the one who first noticed Lance, and spoke to him first.

"A mini me? I like you already." Lance commented.

"She's not even that good." Added one of the other girls. Everyone turned to look at her as she stood with her arms crossed.

"Shut up Rae. Just because you're jealous." Priya defended.

the end was only the beginning -klanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin