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Title: Dark Lantern Dragon, Dark Light Dragon

Title: Dark Lantern Dragon, Dark Light Dragon

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Name: Xeno

species: xeno'jiiva


ELEMENTS: Fireblight, Dragonblight

WEAKEST TO: Fireblight, Dragonblight, Waterblight, Thunderblight, Iceblight


Xeno is a very large six-limbed dragon. It's body ranges from an opaque grey color, to a glowing blue that also is translucent, although its body appears to become more and more grey as the fight continues.

It's chest glows pink/red and shows its internal organs.

The beast leaves a trail of glowing blue vapors, and glows more brightly when angry.

Its body is adorned with a mix of sharp black spikes, and flowing blue/white veils and ripples.

Most notably are six orange gem-like objects above its eyes.

◉ Abilities ◉

Xeno'jiiva can wield its absorbed bioenergy in the form of a bright blue flame-like energy.

It fires these flames as explosive bursts or concentrated beams, which can also heat up or detonate areas they hit, causing either Dragonblight or Fireblight.

As a result, its body generates an immense amount of heat that can harm those around it.

The creature primarily attacks with a mix of powerful melee attacks that can create explosions of blue fire that inflict dragonblight, or firing burst or powerful beams of a blue energy.

These laser blasts also appear to generate immense heat, as they can melt the ground where they strike for several moments.

After it has built up enough power, Xeno can enter a hyper-charged state where its body gives off huge amounts of heat and glows brightly, while also powering up its laser attacks and letting it create numerous eruptions of energy around it.

When pushed to its limit, it will enter a "Critical State" where its body erupts with blue flame as its energy overflows into its surroundings, causing spontaneous explosions around it.

In this state, Xeno'jiiva is far more aggressive and can output much more energy, but is also more vulnerable as a result.

Because of its lack of control of its powers, Xeno'jiiva can become exhausted if it uses too much energy at once.


While Xeno'jiiva does not suffer from any elemental weaknesses, it is vulnerable to poison.

During its hyper state, its chest becomes very susceptible to attacks.

Its head, forelegs, and wings can be damaged, and its tail can be cut.

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