💥Chapter 10💥

Start from the beginning

Akira catches the bow staff. And starts to do some tricks with it, And does a fighting position.
"Do you?" Akira asks, while giving a slight chuckle.

Roxy gave a slight chuckle.
"Alright, lets see what you got then." Roxy exclaims.

~Time skip~

After a while of Roxy, and akira training together.
They both decided to take a break, and take a walk over to the kitchen.

Once they both entered the kitchen, they noticed karrigan, nakoa, and kian.
Karrigan resting on the couch. Nakoa sitting beside kian. And kian drawing pictures.
Karrigan, nakoa, and kian looks over, and noticed roxy, and akira.

"Where have you two been?" nakoa asks. While raising a brow.

Akira grumbles, and walks over to the fridge.
Roxy gave a slight chuckle, and walks over to kian, and sits down next to him. "We were just training that's all" Roxy confirms.

Karrigan, and nakoa raised a brow, and looks over at akira.
"Is that true?" Karrigan questions. Whilst he gets up, and sits straight.

Akira grabs two water bottles, and walks over to them.
"Is there a problem with me training with roxy?" Akira questions.

Karrigan then shook his head. "No it is just.." he then paused.

Roxy then raised a brow, "Just what?" Roxy asks.

Karrigan then looks over at roxt, "It is just our brother, akira, never really trains with anybody, ever since-" karrigan was then interrupted.

"That is Enough of that." Akira stated, while he hands a water bottle to roxy.
And sits down on the couch.

Roxy then takes the water bottle from him, and gave a slight concern look.
"If it is something personal, then i wouldn't want to bring it up." Roxy exclaims, while taking a sip from her drink.

"Why wouldn't you want to know?" nakoa questions.

Roxy then looks over at nakoa.
"Because if it is something that akira doesn't want to talk about then it is his choice." Roxy exclaims, She then looks over at akira, "Besides, i respect his decision, and i would know." Roxy added. She then looks back at kian, and looks over at his drawings.

Akira however, was slightly surprised that roxy would respect his past life being to himself.
He was then about to say something but was cut off.

"hey, roxy?" Kian questions.

"Yes, kian?" Roxy asks while raising a eye brow.

"May i ask, Where did your sword go?" Kian asks, "I haven't seen it since you've gotten back." Kian noted.

Roxy then gave a slight surprised, and shocked look.
"That's right, my sword must be on that hunting planet." Roxy exclaims.
She then gets up from where she was sitting, and walks over to the door.

"Roxy, wait." Karrigan said.

Roxy then stops in her tracks, and turns to him.
"Yes? What seems to be the matter?" Roxy asks.

"We know where your sword is.." Karrigan exclaims.

"Where is it then?" Roxy asks, while she walks over to them.

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