Chapter 9

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At hell

The hall of hell had an imposing sight. The walls were colored in a deep dark red which looked more like black, draped in shadows.

The air was thick with a stale, hot,and oppressive atmosphere.Every breath felt like swallowing fire and smoke mixed together.

There was a sense of menace pervading the hall, and every inch was filled with a sinister atmosphere.

The architecture itself was magnificent and frightening in its design, with tall spire and arched ceilings soaring up towards dark sky.

In this place, there seems to be no end to the darkness.Only darkness that swallows everything and leaves nothing behind.

Even the walls themselves seem to radiate a sense of foreboding and fear.Their icy cold surface chilling the slightest touch with a sharp chill.

The lighting was dim and harsh, casting eerie shadows across the walls and ceilings, making the place an ominous and terrifying place to be.

In the great hall of hell,its Lord sat upon the great throne.His dark aura casting an overwhelming effect on all the demons.

They sat in their seats, silent and still, with looks of fear and dread in their eyes. Their lord loomed over them.

His powerful presence was filled with a terrifying dark aura that made him seem even more scary and imposing than before.

The tension in the room was palpable, the silence of the room deafening.

No one dared to speak, all keeping their heads down and trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. The air was heavy and thick, as if the Lord's wrath would strike anyone who dared to move.

Lord Kim Taehyung rose from his throne.His powerful presence was commanding attention in the room.

His expression was one of stone, his eyes like deadly knives piercing into everybody. He moved with a slow and deliberate pace.His every step sending a chill down the back of everyone which was present.

The tension was broken, but it was far more terrifying atmosphere than the menacing silence that had preceded it.

Taeyung's gaze was strong and commanding, his presence alone evoking fear and terror in the demons.

Finally, the silence was broken.One of the demons get up and speak.He needed to inform his king.

"Our lord, heaven is in your hands now. All have been captured, even the almighty Gods are now under your control your majesty.They are in prisons begin for their life"a demon says as he bowed to his lord.

Taehyung smirked but the darknes and the coldness on his face olny grew stronger.

"This is good to hear"He sat back on his throne with a sense of satisfaction. The demon who had brought the news was happy. He was more than pleased by the words his lord said. This wasn't something good for him.

"Lord as for Gods of heaven,we can kill them.One lash of my sword and they will be dead." Oh no.This was the only thing demon was thinking.This was the bigest mistake the demon have done in his life.The biggest and the lasted.

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