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Lily stood in the kitchen, the house now full of people from the university. She was talking with some of the girls from her lacrosse team, since the season started a few weeks ago. " But you're dating Ethan Edwards right? From the hockey team?", one of the girls asked, everyone agreeing.

" Oh, no we aren't dating", Lily shrugged, a few of the girls scoffing at her. She always forgot that a lot of girls thought Ethan was attractive, especially the girls on campus. It made her realize that maybe she should just ask Ethan out herself, but she didn't want to. She wanted him to ask her, Lily wanted to see how long it would take for him to do it.

" Speaking of him, here he comes", her friend mentioned, Lily looking behind her and noticing the tall boy coming towards them.

" Hey", he said, mostly to Lily, but giving the rest of them a quick glance. They all immediately said hi, Lily laughing a bit. " Can we talk?",

Lily nodded, slightly worried about what he had to say. Ethan grabbed her hand, leading them into the small bathroom near the kitchen. " What's up?", she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

" Nothing, just bored", he shrugged, the girl smiling and shaking her head. " And you looked bored, so",

" Eh, they were just asking me about you",

" Oh?", he said, a smirk coming onto his face. Ethan placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him as he leaned back on the counter. " What were they saying?",

She shrugged, " Nothing important". Ethan's smirk dropped, " They thought we were dating, so I told them we weren't. Nothing important",

" What do you mean nothing important? That's important",

Lily pressed her lips into a thin line, " We aren't, you haven't asked me. What else am I supposed to say?",

Ethan could tell she was teasing him, the boy rolling his eyes slightly, " Patience is key". Lily just scoffed, giving him a sarcastic nod before reaching to the door handle. Before she could even reach it, Ethan attached his lips onto hers, catching her off guard before she leaned more into the boy. Lily tugged on the collar of his shirt, Ethan pulling away, " Do you want me to stop?", he said in a confused tone.

Lily immediately shook her head, " What? No, the complete opposite",


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lilp gn from us

markestapa ok gn

rutgermcgroarty was this before or after u went to "bed"
   dylanduke25 that's enough.

edwards.73 gn

role model, e.edwardsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang