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Lily and Annie were the first back at the house from break, some of the guys already on their way back. The trip was amazing, but they were both glad to be back in their own spaces and in a place they were familiar with. " Ew, Mark is here", Lily said, Annie going upstairs quickly. Lily knew ethan wasn't gonna be there until later that night, so she spent her time unpacking.

" What's up, Lily", Rutger smiled, Lily waving. " How was the trip?",

" Amazing, should've come", Lily said, teasing him. Rutger rolled his eyes playfully before going into his room and shutting the door behind him. The girl went upstairs, trying to find some sort of food that was left here. There was clearly none, so she ordered herself something from Panera and waited for it to arrive.

" E!!", she said, the boy coming in through the large door and smiling at her. " You said you weren't gonna be back for another few hours",

Lily came over to the boy, carrying one of his bags upstairs for him. " I thought so too, turns out my flight was earlier than I thought", he chuckled, " I almost missed it. Embarrassing", the girl giving him a hug. " How was your trip? It looked fun",

She nodded, " It was good, I'm glad I ended up going. You should seriously go to Hawaii sometime",

" I've been", he said, Lily rolling her eyes and laughing. " And your dad, he's ok?",

" Yep, he's doing pretty good. Obviously staying home from work and stuff", Lily said as they went back downstairs. She grabbed her food from outside the door, " I didn't order you anything, I thought you weren't gonna be back. We can share?",

Ethan shook his head, " It's fine, I ate on the way here from the airport. Thanks though". Lily nodded, the two sitting in the kitchen and talking about their breaks. " Did you go skiing while you were home?",

" Yeah once with my mom, you?",

" I didn't really have time. Since I was in jersey right before Christmas, kinda sucks", he said

" Oh yeah, how was jersey? I'm guessing it was good",

Ethan shrugged, " Yea it was good. I'm glad I got to go, it's a really cool experience",


lilp back w my bsf ethan!!!Comments

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lilp back w my bsf ethan!!!

rutgermcgroarty ur fake

markestapa wow ed friend zoned ouch
  lilp no hes the loml

anyroute my parents
  edwards.73 I don't want you to be known as my child

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now