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  Lily and Ethan had barely spoken in the last two weeks. Usually they would say hi to each other if they passed one another in the house, but the last couple times, they haven't. Lily knew it was because she had been trying to keep herself busy to distract herself from her dad being sick, but Ethan had no idea what was going on. He thought he had done something wrong, since he would ask her to hangout and she would just say she has school to do.

He tried talking to Annie about it, but she didn't have anything to say that would help him out. Lily sat in her room most of the time, not doing school, just laying in her bed. She really missed hanging out with Ethan, but she didn't want anyone to know about her dad. And she knew that she could hangout with him and not tell him, but she wasn't in the best mood either.

Annie had been trying to convince Lily to come out with them all tonight, since there was a house party a street over. " Lily, come on. It'll get your mind off things, if you really want to leave we will",

Finally, Lily gave in and kicked the girl out of her room. She changed into a pair of black jeans and a white long sleeve that Annie told her to wear. Once she was ready, she followed Annie upstairs where the guys were waiting for them. " Lily, we haven't seen you in like forever",

She laughed awkwardly, " Lots of school and stuff", she nodded. Ethan could easily tell the girl was lying, and she tried to occupy herself while talking to Mark. The two made eye contact, Lily quickly looking away as everyone began to leave the house.

Once they arrived at the party, Lily was thankful that she saw Maisie and a few of her friends from soccer there. She said hi to them all, deciding to hang out with them for the night. Annie was off somewhere with Mark, so she wasn't too worried about her being alone.

" Why don't you just try and talk to her?",

Ethan looked at Luca like he was an idiot, " Do you think I haven't tried that? I did, like a week ago",

Luca shrugged, " I'm sure she's fine, probably busy with school. Go and find her now and see if she'll talk to you",

Ethan nodded, leaving Luca to find someone else to hangout with. He looked around the somewhat large house, asking Annie if she'd seen Lily. " Mm, no sorry. She was with Maisie, but I'm not sure where she went", The boy rolled his eyes, knowing Annie wasn't gonna tell him anything.

Lily stood outside of the house, talking to her mom on the phone. " Mom seriously, I'm gonna come home. I'll cancel my trip, Annie will understand", she said. Her mom had called to tell her that her dad had been getting worse, so Lily left her friends to go outside. " I'm serious mom, I'll come home right after my exam",

She wiped the tears from her face, her eyes still watering. Finally, her mom had hung up. Lily went to find Annie to say she was going home, bumping into someone when she stood up. " Seriously, Lily, what's wrong", Ethan said as he shut the door behind him. He could tell she had been crying, since her face was all red.

After crying for what Lily thought was forever, she finally told Ethan about her dad. She almost felt weak after she told him, since he now had sympathy for her. This is why Lily hadn't told any of the guys, because she didn't want to deal with them feeling sorry for her. " I'm gonna go, I'll see you back at the house",

" I'll come", he quickly said, texting their group chat that him and Lily had gone home. " I'll order food",

Lily and Ethan arrived back at the house, the girl changing into sweats and a hoodie while Ethan got the food from upstairs. He told her to come to his room, so she went upstairs and followed him to his room. Ethan grabbed a t shirt from his closet, Lily looking at his now exposed back and shoulders. " Please stop staring", he joked as he turned around and sat beside the girl who had already began eating. She shrugged, Ethan looking at her, " Why didn't you tell me about your dad?",

" I didn't want you to feel bad, and I thought it would make it awkward",

Ethan rolled his eyes, " It's not awkward, Lily. And it's normal to feel bad, I want to feel bad for you if something like this is happening. I can help comfort you", She nodded at him as he chose a movie for them to watch. Ethan wasn't upset that she didn't tell him sooner, he just wished she did, so she didn't have to go through it alone.

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