"I remember you made it snow in my room when your powers first made themselves known." He grins teasingly and takes great satisfaction as she blushes.

"I was eight!" She defends herself. "And I thought it would cheer you up."

Derek chuckles, smiling at her lovingly. "You made it snow because I was sad, we had not gotten any yet that winter."

"Even back then I loved you, Derek. It's just that my tiny eight-year-old brain couldn't comprehend the meaning behind those feelings." She spoke softly, eyes shining with her love for him.

Derek took her hand in his and pressed it against his cheek, scenting her in the process.

"Because we were made for each other. We strive to make the other happy and will continue to do so even long after we are gone from this world."

Ellie opens her mouth to reply and sighs as the bell rings.

Derek helped her gather her supplies before pressing a kiss to her lips.

Ellie brushes his cheek with the back of her hand as he pulls back.

"I love you and will see you when you get home. Good luck with the game tonight. Kick some ass."

His answering grin made her heart flutter in her chest.

He took her hand in his and pressed it over his heart, closing his eyes to take her in. Her heartbeat, her scent, her warmth.

"We'll win for sure." He smiles, releases her and takes off down the hall towards the locker rooms.

She watches for a few moments until he disappears out of sight.

Oh, how she loved that boy.


Ellie woke to the smell of smoke. She groggily wipes at her eyes as she sits up.

Little Connor lets out a small sound of protest as she shifts and burrows his face further into the fabric of the hoodie she had borrowed from Derek's closet.

She must have fallen asleep in the living room while waiting for Derek to get back.

The pack had had a movie night in the main den, which was located in the basement. It was large enough for them all, so thats where the living room was.

Full moons were a time for the Hale family to get together and bond.

Every Hale left alive was here. All except Derek and Laura. She had gone out to give Derek a ride home from his game.

Peter sat up suddenly, eyes blazing blue and face shifted, his arms tightening around his wife for a moment before he was up and moving.


His cry startled everyone else awake.

He went to stalk out of the room to deal with the fire when he hit an invisible barrier.

"Mountain ash, we can't get out!" Peter growls as he gestured the kids closer to Ellie.

"Peter?" He turns to face his wife, his hands coming to rest lightly over the swell of her stomach.

Ellie's heart pains at the sight. Ellie absolutely adored Feebi. She was an absolute angel. Everyone had been excited for the twins to arrive.

Talia made her way over to the window, looking into the front yard with a grim face.

Ellie could see orange hues dancing across her face.

Talia began to herd everyone against the wall with the window, as far from the flames as possible.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now