"Hey, Tweek!" Kenny smiled with a wave of his paint-stained hand. His dark blue eyes squinted happily at the twitching boy like nothing had changed.

Butters sent him a shy smile too, clinging to Kenny's arm as if he was an anchor. "Hiya, Tweek!"

Relieved that at least two people were talking to him, Tweek chuckled nervously: "Uh, hey, guys."

They weren't oblivious to what happened yesterday. Kenny and Butters knew what it was like to be shunned - no one understood their relationship. It didn't help that Cartman liked to pour fuel on an already out of control fire, and spread rumors about them. According to the fatass, happiness was not allowed.

Kenny stuck a toothpick in his mouth as Tweek twitched at them, uncomfortably rubbing his arm like it would stop the feeling of bugs burrowing into his skin. It sucked to see the effects of someone being outed against their will, especially when that someone already had enough to deal with. He held back a frown. "You good, dude?"

"AGH! No, man!" Tweek started pulling at his hair as his anxiety tried to cripple him, again. He couldn't let it win. We'll always win, you fucking loser! This was getting harder to ignore.

Butters glanced at Kenny nervously. With his own anxiety already peaked from an earlier issue, Butters didn't know how to help someone worse off than him. Kenny nodded at him to go to class, leaving the poor, pansexual kid, and the paranoid, gay kid alone. He'd help the twitchy guy, 'cause why the hell not? They had more in common than Tweek knew.

"Tweekers," He casually started as if they talked everyday. "Sit next to me in class. Ignore the assholes!" Kenny's unnatural confidence didn't make him feel any better, even though he offered up a crooked smile.

He shook his head with uncertainty, but still walked with Kenny to their shared first hour. Sure, they were about to walk in about two minutes late, Tweek just didn't give a shit right now. Kenny seemed to have his back, for whatever reason, and that kid was scrappy if he needed to be.

All eyes were on them when they walked in. They also earned a glare from the teacher, yet she didn't say a word, and only continued with their lesson while the boys took their seats towards the back of the room.

Craig sat about two rows over from him. It was a safe distance, Tweek assumed - except, he could feel the glaring eyes burning into his face. He did his best to ignore it. Craig wasn't the only one staring at him unapologetically. Basically, the entire class whispered to each other about the twitchy blonde kid who was outed against his will.

Tweek already had enough voices in his head fighting against him, he didn't need the people in his life acting like them. They never gave a shit about him, did they? They couldn't have cared, if they were treating him this way now, after one stupid screenshot.

He faced all of their judgmental glares. These assholes were easier to face than the demons in his head, or shadows, whatever they were; either way, Tweek glared back the hardest at Craig. He wanted to be a dick? Tweek could be a dick, too.

And they still stared! He couldn't fucking believe it.

"Stop staring at me!!" Tweek broke the tension with the high-pitched demand. The teacher stared in shock at the usually well behaved boy. Before she could even say a word, he was gathering up his stuff frantically. "I-I know! I'll go to the Principal's!!" Pausing at the door, Tweek turned to the class again: "Fuck all you assholes! Except Kenny!"

Kenny saluted him proudly as he ripped open the classroom door, and stomped off down the hallway. This year was already screwed, why not lean into ruining it completely? Tweek didn't want to hold his shit together anymore, this was it, his walls were down, and he couldn't rebuild them. They all fucking destroyed him.

Frailty (Tweek x Craig)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu