A Hundred Languages.

Start from the beginning

"I had so much more to say," Christian tells me as we lay in bed.


He smiles, "When you came down the stairs, everything I was going to say went out the window."

"Tell me now. I want to know everything."

"Well, I didn't actually forget anything. I just needed to get to our room to put the note in your drawer without you being near me. Then you came here and I snuck back in the house and put the other note in the kitchen. Then Ryan and I snuck through the garage to get to the back. He helped me set up the flowers."

"But I heard you leave."

"I backed out, drove down the road, turned around, and parked on the street before the house. I had changed in the garage. Ryan was helping the videographer get set up. Then we waited for a little bit and I started to get worried that you were sitting elsewhere and didn't see my notes. But then you came down like five minutes later."

"What were you going to tell me?"

"How lucky I am to be your partner. How proud I am of you. How lucky our baby is to have you as their mom."

"You can't make me cry because I won't stop."

He wipes under my eyes, "And I was going to tell you how excited I am for the next few months. And how beautiful you are. There's probably more but I can't remember them."

"You're too sweet."

He kisses me, "I know we both probably wanted to be married before we have kids."

I nod, "But it's okay because this is just as good and just as exciting," he tells me.

"I'm really excited."

He moves his hand from my side to my hip, "Me too."

"Let me see! Let me see!" Bridget exclaims as I walk up to the station.

"You knew?"

"Girl, come on. Of course, I knew! I had the ring for a month."



I show her my hand, "It looks SO good! This is so exciting! I am so excited for you. I cannot wait for this wedding."

"Well, it's not going to happen for a while. Let's not get too excited."

She hugs me, "I will be excited for you."

"No, I'm excited but we both have other things to focus on. Moving, telling my family about our baby, telling people here about the baby, and having said baby."

"Speaking of, how did his family take it?"

We sit down in our chairs, "All of them were extremely supportive. I was pretty worried but his mom is super excited. Everyone seemed a bit shocked which I completely understand but they're happy for us and excited for their arrival."

"Good, I'm glad that went over well. We told our parents this weekend too. They're so excited. I think they're more excited than me and I thought that was hard to beat."

"That's amazing."

"And you're going home this weekend?"

"Yeah. I've noticed that after I eat, I look pregnant so we need to tell them before it comes Christmas time and everyone is at our house. Plus we really need to start moving stuff to the other house and I need his brother to come by and do everything he needs to do with the house."

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