Chapter 6 - Second Day and Blattle Trial

Start from the beginning

His eyes saw that Izuku was in last, and since Aizawa said that last place would be expelled, yeah.
He looks to Izuku who was already looking down into his hand.


Aizawa: "By the way, i was lying about the expulsion."
Izuku, Uraraka: ʘ_ʘ
Y/n: Ō_Ō
Lida: ಠ_ಠ
Aizawa: *smile* "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks."

The upset and surprised looks on everyone was priceless, Izuku, Lida, Uraraka and Y/n let out a "What?!"

Momo: "Of course that was a lie. It should've been if you just thought it through."
Y/n: "How can you think about it when you're on pressure, tell me."
Sero: "That was a little nerve-racking, huh?"
Kirishima: "I'll take up the challenge anytime!"
Aizawa: "With that, we're done here. There are handcounts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them." He said letting everyone take a breath "Midoriya. Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself."

-Timeskip to End of School-
-Y/n POV-

School had ended. Goddammit this was a crazy filled day.
We were getting out of school, Izuku was pretty tired due to Recovery Girl's quirk healing his arm, but also making the individual tired.

Izuku: "I'm so tired..." He said while his sleepy arms waved side to side.

Suddenly a hand touched on Izuku's shoulders, we turned around to see Lida.

Izuku: "Lida-kun!"
Lida: "Is your finger healed?"
Izuku: "Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl." He said showing his finger to him. We then started to walk together.
Lida: "I was really taken by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought "This is the best of the best" and such. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie."
Y/n: "Well he said that teacher are able to do whatever is right to teach their students. So lying back there was like a push up for us to do our best."

We heard Uraraka's voice back at the distance.

Uraraka: "Hey! You three! Going to the station?" She said running towards us. "Wait for me!"
Y/n: "Oh look, it's your Uraraka-san."
Lida: "You're the Infinity girl." He said while Uraraka catch up to us."
Uraraka: "I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Um, you're Tenya lida. Y/n-kun, and they call you Deku, right Izuku-kun?"
Izuku: "Deku?!"
Uraraka: "Huh? During the fitness test, the boy named Bakugo said--" she points her finger up.
Imaginary Bakugo: "Deku, you bastard!"
Izuku: "Um, my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan call me to make fun of me..."
Lida: "An insult?"
Y/n: "Basically, yes."
Uraraka: "Oh, is that right? Sorry!" She scratches the back of her neck. "But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!" so i kinda like it."
Izuku: "I'm Deku!" He said with his face red.
Y/n: "You what?!"
Lida: "Midoriya-kun? You're accepting it too easily! Wasn't this a insult?" His arms waved like crazy.
Izuku: "It's like a Copernican Revolution..." He told covering his already red face.
Uraraka: •‿• "Co-pe?"

I faceplamed before we all walk to tye station.

-Timeskip to next day-

The schedule of U.A was like this:
Regular Classes, like English, in the morning.

Mic: "Witch ones of these four English sentences are wrong?" There was silence  "Everybody heads up! Let's get this party started!"

Shark Turmoil (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now