ch 9 \\ boy

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Yotari Boy's School.

7th grade.

Gen was in a large group of friends, however he was the closest to Akito. They have hung out a lot during the past five years, after Gen left his old home...

Reading mangas, watching movies, going for a walk, playing video games...

They were inseparable.

Snow was floating out the window, when words of confession slipped through Gen's mouth. The TV glared in front of them. In the dark, evening room.

The room felt blue but Gen saw a mellow pink when Akito liked him back.

Hang outs became dates.

Pats became hugs.

Laughs grew to kisses.

When Gen savored the taste of his first love, an eye was peeking through the door.



Sharp words were like needles. Gen's father screams echoed throughout the room, the 14-year-old kid swore his father took an appearance of a sickening ghoul.

His eyes were big and his pupils shook, his mouth stretched to places it wasn't supposed to be, his accusing pointed hand acted like swords that pierced through him.

The night felt longer than it was supposed to be. Gen even forgot it was a school day.

Despite much protests to stay in and skip school, he wore his uniform and got out. It felt suffocating to be at home, feeling like he had to count each breathe he takes.

What did I even do?

All I did was to fall in love.

Fucking hell.

Bigotry, the second name of society.

Laughter, a fleeting moment.


A double edged sword.

Just when a familiar figure passed by Gen, a round of cherry blossoms bloomed into Gen's chest. It was funny how easy Akito could pull him out of misery.

A few months passed.

Dates became promises.

Hugs became nods.

Kisses became goodbyes.

Akito had to be the one to cut the last thin string of Gen's hope.

"We should end this."

It's funny when storybook heroes say, 'love conquers everything,' when love cursed the two spirits that wanted him.

A black void.


It was all Gen spoke. No emotion befell over him. Breakups are supposed to be sad right?

Perhaps it was because they were young.

Perhaps it was because they fell apart before they can even catch each other.

Perhaps it was because they were never supposed to fall in love in the first place.

Why can't two men fall in love the same way a man and a woman could?

Gen knew how love felt. Tears did not dry from his face on the way home. He cried until his eyes were sore. Patches of tears were left behind the road.

At that time, Gen did not cry for losing Akito. He cried for seeing his whole memories become only a memory.



3 chapters guyssss.

I hope that'll be enough to make up for my days of negligence.

This chapter is a lot shorter cuz I don't wanna spend too much time on dear Akito. We'll be moving on to Sengen next, this was just a backstory on why Gen is distant to his family.

I'm gonna try to post more often 😭😭
I feel so guilty for not posting for 2 months akmsmwmxmmsmd

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