Elijah rubbed Avery's back tenderly, looking at her with only pity. "I assure you, Avery. I will do everything in my power to try and bring you back to the living world."

"How can you? I've been buried. My organs have probably been removed from my body already. I CAN'T COME BACK!" Avery stood up, seething with rage.

"Now, now, love. Let's not get our panties in a twist. You are tied to two powerful original vampires. You will get to live again." Klaus assured.

"Original vampires? What? I- that's impossible! No one can come back to life!" Avery snapped.

"We did. We are the first-ever vampires, love. The most powerful beings on earth. We can make anything happen." Klaus smirked. He approached Avery to cup her chin in his hand so she would look him in the eyes.

"What if you can't?" Avery whispered.

"Have a little more faith in us, love. Anything is possible." Klaus hummed.

Avery jerked her head away when she felt Klaus rub his thumb against her bottom lip and stormed away from the two brothers to her room. She was the only one with a room in this place and used that to her advantage for privacy. She slammed the door shut behind her and plopped on the bed, curling into a ball underneath the weighted blanket.

"Why me?..." Avery whispered to herself, sniffling as all she could do was think of her family member's crying faces at her funeral.

"We should leave her to mourn her life on her own, Niklaus. Let's not bother her no more." Elijah's voice could be heard reasoning with Klaus.

"She should be ecstatic that her soul has been tied to us. She could easily be reborn with this soul tie, Lijah." Klaus argued.

"Yes, but we do not know that. We mustn't give her hope just yet until we are sure of the answer. So, leave her be."

"Your right. We shouldn't give her hope. But she should know of the possibility."

"I will have none of this, Niklaus. That girl is mourning her death. Our world has been shoved onto hers without warning or say. She may have just found out that her soul is tied to ours, but she is dead and a human. There may not be any hope for her to live again at all. Let us leave this discussion for a later time."

"Fine. I will leave it be for another time. We should all attempt to get along and get used to this space. After all, we will see each other much more from now on."

"Yes. I must persist that you keep her out of your devilish plans in the living world. She is a human who didn't recall the supernatural world until her death. If I hear a clue from her about what you are planning, I will ensure you suffer the cost."

"Oh, dear brother. You only say that because I still won't retrieve our siblings from the seas. I promise not to stress this girl with what you call my "devilish plans."

Avery furrowed her brows as she sat on her bed, snapping at the two men in the other room. "Would you two stop bickering? I'm still in the other room with the door WIDE open."

"My apologies, dear Avery. I wish not to worry you of what my dear young brother does in the living world." Elijah reasoned, appearing in the doorway with Klaus not too far behind.

"Just...be a little quieter... Please." Avery mumbled, ducking her body back into the bed.

"As you wish, love." Klaus butt in.

After that, Avery didn't hear anything else and sat up to find that Klaus and Elijah were nowhere to be seen. They have woken up, allowing Avery to check on her family. She shot out of bed and ran to the door that led her into a spirit realm where she could watch her family.

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