"present " //medhammer

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hiii!! sorry for the inactivity.. writing block sucks and i promise i'm working on every single requests right now but i'm just either left it on hiatus or out of ideas </3 but i had this thought of medham comic!! this is softcore suggestive for yes but trust me, it's all fluff , be respectful and tysm for 1k+ reads too!
"mmh.. where did cha find this fine-winery! got them good grades from cha salary, kit'?"
A small clink sound on the table occurs as banhammer places his beer shot cup down, putting his arms together as a cross behind his head as he leaned on the couch. The small sofa creaks a little with every movement, considering his size. They are currently at medkit's apartment, hanging out after a long day of phighting and extra works on both of the couple.
"i'm borreddd kit " banhammer said as he grab the remote and turned it on, a small static utters before slowly shifting to a channel menu. As they select the "bloxy's hour" channel.

" BREEAAAKING NEWS! another hoard of robbers have-"
" KKrRRF- fuckin' BORRRING I put em' all to fucking banlands already, last week LAST, WEEK KIT'! CAN YA BELIEVE THIS FUCKTARD NEWS OUTLET? HAAAAHAH! SLOW FUCKIN NEWS!!"


"...banhammer, please refrain from throwing the remote on the floor. and closing the tv. you startled scone."

a small sound of scone's collar clinks slightly can be heard in the distance, with a small mewl-yelp. Medkit looked at the egoistic warden 4 glowing magenta eyes, dead. The tv flashes white as it turned off, the scattered remote pieces including the batteries few on the beige sheep-fur like carpet, medkit looked at banhammer in the eyes as he stood up from his couch, walking and bends down to grabs the pieces scattered on the ground. His deer tail twitches in annoyance as he searches through the carpeted floor. finding the parts

banhammer scratches his head as he took a shot of the whiskey on the table, making a small ttch-cha sound as he places his hand on his knees, cupping his own chin.
"eh, knock it off kit' that shit is so fuckin' absurd i had to"
".. you woke scone up."
",, i'm sorry bae"

medkit got up as he put his remote back together, as he opens the TV again, this time opening an animal documentary channel, as he hopped back on his couch. clinging on banhammer's arm as they watches the document.

" Have you ever notices your furry friends biting you in the morning? the little fluffy balls who unloafs from your lap after you wakes up and sometimes bites your hand and—"
"heheh, kit,, that remind me of-"
"you kitty friends might seems aggressive but there's a good reason why— "
".. don't interrupt it , ban"
medkit uses his hand to
*"Do you know, cats or pets like hamster or your birdies have a thing called bite aggresion? your pets can show various form of affections. like biting! it can be a sign of cute aggression for you pets! And as we dive in the topic we have a thing to say about our biggest spon-"

banhammer slowly switches his focus to medkit, as the small ad breaks occurs, he realized medkit is overwhelmingly focusing on his neck, watching it closely as he felt the smaller phighter laid his head on banhammer's shoulder. his fluffy deer tails wagging aggressively as banhammer can't help but blushes.
"ehh,, kit?" ,, " BEEP! SHUCKS MY LOST TEMPL— ..my apologies."
medkit jumped as he realized what he's doing, looking down at his knees as he turned his position to a normal sitting position, the noises from the tv feels like it gone bit quieter despite them didn't even changed the TV volume. the atmosphere felt dense, oddly suffocating.
".,, we're ya,, thinkin' about somethin'? " he tugged on medkit's shoulder gently. ".. ignore it banhammer." They stared at each other with their eyes lock, as if it was intertwining in some sort. "........" banhammer gulped as he scratches his head awkwardly " ..i kinda didn't understand on the love bitin' someshit part, sounds oddly like a erotic phrase heheh.." medkit face lit up slightly as he squeezes his own palms ".. i can give a demonstration."
"....pardon?.. " banhammer face feels like it's heating up as he sweats. "... a demonstration then."


banhammer could felt his boyfriend's hand caressing his chin as medkit gave his 'tough warden' a small peck " first, " medkit suddenly climbed on top of banhammer, sitting on his lap.
" I have a fang, this might hurt abit. just an ant bite. " medkit sighed as he uses his hand to strolls on banhammer's jawline slowly and tenderly. as he leaned his face to the left side of the warden's neck. "Love bites can be anywhere in the level of extreme, but ill try to go smooth and nice.  " he continues as he gives banhammer a small kiss on the neck. "Love bites in humans, can either be a sex play thing or just affections, but in this case.. i'll consider it a present."
Medkit blows small steamy exhale on banhammer's ear, holding his hand closely.
" first step, fine a perfect spot to give your love ones a bite. " medkit uses his hand to poke a spot on banhammer's neck as he continues " and now," He slowly leaned in as he tries to be gentle as possible with the bite, tenderly digs his teeth into them before kissing and sucking on the new wound, turning his mouth away, causing banhammer to yelp " lick the excess blood," medkit said as he licked the small blood-curds forming. " and then gives a reassuring present" banhammer felt his face is practically litting up, his body feels like it's on fire as medkit took a bit to kisses and lick the wound. " simple as that, ban"

Banhammer pants heavily as he gulped, using his hand to touches now the new mark on his body, the room feels more humid and warm out of the sudden
"..i-i appreciate your.. strength.. and... i-instructions.." banhammer said as he rubs the sore wound with his thumb " just a little ant bite.. h-heheh.." , medkit giggles as he pulled banhammer to a hug, as the warden uses his hand to brushes and strokes medkit's tail

" that was.. splendid sweetheart.." he pulled medkit to a kiss ", you damn knew it, pfft"

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