Final Rehearsal

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"Ugh, that was awful." Cara tells Daisy as they walk to the theater. "I was all angry and cryptic."

"Who says love isn't angry and cryptic?" Daisy points out.

"But I didn't really buy it until the end." Cara says.

"Oh come on, I'm sure it was great." Daisy assures her as they go inside.

"We did it. Luigi believes we exist." Cara says.

"How do you know?" Toadsworth asks.

"His eyes. Always gives everyone away." Cara tells him.

"Okay, so you've established a relationship with him." Toad says. "Now we need others to see that relationship."

"We want you three to talk to him one last time." Daisy explains. "This time somewhere in a public setting. But now we want you to—"

"Provoke him." Toadsworth finishes.

"Why would we do that?" Caleb demands.

"Because our PI is going to follow you and catch it on tape." Daisy replies.

"Which we'll be using as proof." Toadsworth adds. "The video will be altered to look as if you're not really there."

"I don't think so." Cara says instantly. "This is getting too complicated, even for me. I refuse to be a part of this for another second."

"Cara!" Zoey scolds. "You can't decide an acting job is too complicated! What sounds better to you, thousands of screaming fans who don't even know your name, or one badmouthing critic who does?"

"What sounds better is walking away altogether." Cara says flatly, then turns to Daisy. "You're in love with him, aren't you, Daisy?" then, "And Toad, isn't he one of your best friends?" then, "And Toadsworth, hasn't he been a crucial asset to keeping your kingdom thriving?"

Daisy blushes, "Okay, so I overshared a little..."

"This is disgusting." Cara stands up. "I want no part of it. Goodbye." and walks away.

"Cara, wait!" Zoey tries to follow her but stops and says to the group.

"Don't worry about this, it's in her nature. She won't leave. But if she does...leave it to me. Love is a long-lost lover."

She winks, then goes to follow after Cara.

"There you are." Zoey greets Toadsworth.

"Thought everyone was gone." Toadsworth says.

"They are. I stayed cause I thought you needed me." Zoey explains. "I read up on you."

"You did?" Toadsworth asks, surprised.

"Raised a human baby, with the help of the Toad population." Zoey recalls. "Raised her to be a perfect princess. Loved by all, beloved by all. Truly a remarkable life."

But as Toasdworth walks avail Zoey calls after him, "But this is no way to wrap up yours."

"Are you lecturing me on how I'm choosing to live?" Toadsworth demands.

"Does anyone know?" Zoey counters.

"No they do not." Toadsworth says.

"That's not fair to them." Zoey implores. "You're squandering away moments with you they will never have again."

"What moments?" Toadsworth scoffs. "Moments where I'm too sick to even get out of bed? Where I'm yelling at them because the pain is all I can feel?"

"All of them." Zoey nods. "Every single one. Not to mention their chance to let you go on their terms."

Toadsworth is quiet for a moment, then says, "You're an actress. Act.", then continues the walk by himself.

"What are you doing here?" Cara demands as Daisy approaches her.

"Zoey told me." Daisy explains, making Cara roll her eyes.

"Why am I not surprised?" she mutters as Daisy walks with her.

"Can we just talk?" Daisy begs. "Just a half hour, tops."

"I'm literally on rehearsal break." Cara points behind her.

"How many productions are you in?" Daisy wonders.

"Honestly? Four." Cara says with a smile.

"Okay, real talk." Daisy stops her to look at her head on. "Please don't walk out. One more time, just one. One last confrontation."

"The answer's still no." Cara informs her, but Daisy can't let her go.

"Cara, please. What do you want to show I'm serious, huh?" Daisy begs. "I'll give you my castle. Take it."

"You don't have that kind of power." Cara accuses.

"No I do not. I'm a princess, not a queen." Daisy concedes. "But I know this is what we need to do, and once it's all said and done, I'll be sitting on a pile of coins that's all yours. I promise!"

"I don't want it!" Cara protests. "Honestly, I never wanted it in the first place!"

"Then what?" Daisy pushes. "Just tell me what I have to say or do to make you go through with this, and I'll do it. We're talking about millions of innocent lives from all three kingdoms!"

"Oh is that all?" Cara huffs. "Okay. I want tell me about your relationship with Luigi."

"What about him?" Daisy asks, confused. "Wait, I never said we were together. Did I?"

"Tell me about when you realized you two were getting serious." Cara requests.

"Excuse me?" Daisy balks.

"What you felt." Cara adds.

"I...was terrified." Daisy admits. "And I don't mean 'Ahh, big scary monster attacking my kingdom' terrified. I mean straight up, 'Holy stars, how the heck is this happening to me' terrified."

Cara nods to show she's listening, so Daisy goes on, "But then I thought about our life together that brought us to that point. And when I looked at him again, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I..." Daisy stops, shaking her head.

"Don't stop." Cara encourages.

"It's stupid when I try talking about it." Daisy tells her.

"No it's not." Cara assures Daisy. "If anything, I think this might be the one and only time I've seen you attempt to have a real conversation and mean it. Go on ."

"I looked at him and..." Daisy hesitates. "It's like we weren't in love at all. We were love."

She shrugs, "But now it's like he's disgusted with even the notion of love. It's like it all died with his best friend. And I refuse to make him force something he doesn't feel anymore."

After a moment, Cara says. "Okay. I'll make you a deal. I'll do the scene, if you promise take everything you just told me, all of it, down to the stupid, and tell it to him."

Daisy doesn't even have to think about it. "Done."

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