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Violence present so if ur comfortable skip that part

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Violence present so if ur comfortable skip that part

The reached the hospital before time as it was his habit and greeted the receptionist with a bright smile and the kind old lady was shocked after seeing him the other day alive and smiling brightly.

He first knocked and then entered the room no. 144 "goood morninggggg kookie" The blonde said brightly and kept his bag on the table but was stilled after watching the scene infront of him.

Jungkook was laying on his bed hed hanging low and legs kept on the wall as if resting and blood all over his hand, taehyung was so shocked and stilled on his position after watching that scene.

He was too sensitive for this, he couldn't even watch the blood scenes in the movies and would cling onto jimin everytime while sobbing, but here he was, watching a man laying on the bed, blood all over his hand, as if he has murdered someone.

He quickly held the table keeping himself from falling but he gathered himself and moved closer to the body, "j-ungkook, ju-ngkook" He touched his arm with trembling hands and shaked his body, trying best not to fall.

As soon as he shaked his body, jungkook part open his eyes and that made the boy let out a little yelp "fuck jungkook u scared the shit out of me" The blonde kept hand on his rapid beating heart trying to calm it down.

After some minutes when he calmed down he opened his eyes and found jungkook sitting with his knees folded hands kept on knees and head tilted with blank face,"were u scared?" Jungkook asked with blank low chilled voice that once again brought shivers down tae,s spine.

"Ofcourse i was! I was about to die on spot seeing that scene infront of me, i have hemophobia u brat" He said while still panting slowly "Is there blood on your hand?" Taehyung asked confirming yet saying playfully.

The brunette looked at his hands and then at taehyung and said with still blank expressions "yes".

Taehyung chuckled thinking it was a joke because he already saw the paint on the table while keeping his bag but little did he know that the brunette was telling the truth, he killed someone this morning. (U,ll get to know who in upcoming chapter)

"Anyway, my morning have already started with this prank but nevermind, did the hospital staff give u breakfast?" The blonde asked seating himself on the side of the bed.

Jungkook nodded and taehyung again smiled "did u eat well?" The brunette shook his head and taehyung raised his eyebrow "why didn't u eat well? Was the food not good?".

Jungkook again shook his head "I didn't eat" He said. "And why so?" The blonde asked. "Because i wanted you to feed me" The brunette said with still blank face and taehyung chuckled not knowing that in the stubborness to get feeded by taehyung, the brunette murdered the person who came to give him food by shoving the knife in his stomach and taking out all the organs and emptying his stomach, just because the brunette was hungry.

"Okay fine just wait i,ll come here in some minutes,ohkay?" The blonde said and went out of the room.

After sometime the blonde entered with the food and sat on the bed.

"Aaa-" The blonde said like same as before and jungkook opened his mouth like a good boy, but he isn't and ate the food.

After taehyung finished feeding him he got up to go out of the room but the brunette catched his wrist from behind
"Where are u going?" The brunette asked with straight face but annoyance in heart.

"I have to do my work, uk some tiring ones but i have to, i,ll come after some minutes ohky? Till then rest" The blonde said and patted the younger,s head and smiled before going out of the room.

"Why are u doing to me hyung? Why am i killing a person just to get feeded by someone?, u don't know the effect u had on me from the very first day, your each smile, each chuckle, i was mesmerized by that, i was mesmerized by your innocence, i thought maybe u dont know me that is why ur treating me normally so i thought to stop being effected by you, but im drowning more into u, the bright smile is a drug to me, and now u can't escape, i,ll keep you with me, forever.

Author,s note;
Hey muffins, how was this chapter? Was it good? Or was is short or too long?
Comment, vote and if u want u can share any prompts to me personally i,ll defenitely think of adding it in this story, and do checkout "reckless" And "unforgettable" In my profile.

Take care, lots of love💜

THE OBSESSIVE PATIENT/taekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang