xv. fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Alright, what are we waiting for?" Jay announced with excitement as he parked the car in the amusement park lot. The group spilled out of the vehicle, eager to dive into the fun. Their anticipation grew as they approached the entrance, spotting their friends who had arrived earlier.

"Do you guys have any money on you?" Sunoo asked, looking around to make sure everyone was prepared. Jay raised his hand, signaling that he had it covered. With a few quick transactions, he paid for each of their tickets, ensuring everyone could join in the fun.

They entered the park, their eyes widening at the sight of towering roller coasters and spinning rides. The air was filled with the sounds of excited screams and upbeat carnival music. As they waited for their turn on the rides, they admired the various attractions before them.

"Guys, I can't do this right now. I might vomit," Ni-ki said, taking a step back from the chaos and heading toward a nearby bench. He sat down, clearly uneasy with the intense rides. I decided to join him, sitting down beside him with a supportive smile.

"Good luck!" I called out to the others as they turned around, seeing me and Ni-ki taking a break. I gave them a thumbs-up, trying to convey my encouragement.

"Hey, can we just go to the Ferris wheel?" I suggested, hoping for a more relaxed experience. The group quickly agreed and began consulting a map posted nearby to find the Ferris wheel's location.

"Scary rides can be saved for last," Jay said, taking a photo of the map on his phone for reference. The group set off in the direction of the Ferris wheel, navigating through the park with anticipation.

Upon reaching the Ferris wheel, they purchased tickets and joined the line, which was moving steadily. The excitement was palpable as they prepared for their turn. "Alright, it's three pairs or two per cart, so whoever goes first will sit together," Jay reminded everyone.

The ride finally reached their turn, and as the group climbed into the Ferris wheel's carts, I found myself seated with Sunoo. We began to ascend slowly, enjoying the view and the gentle sway of the cart. Ni-ki and the others waved at us from below, their laughter and cheers echoing up to us.

As we settled into the cart, I noticed it was one of the fancier types, with large windows offering a panoramic view of the park. The cart was comfortably enclosed, but the silence between us felt somewhat awkward.

"Wow, look at the view," I said, trying to break the silence as the ride started to move. Sunoo smiled and took out his phone to capture the scenery.

"Do you want to take a picture?" Sunoo asked, holding up his phone. I nodded eagerly and struck a playful pose. Sunoo snapped the photo and then put his phone away, his attention turning to the view. The ride was climbing higher, and as we neared the top, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervous excitement.

As we reached the top, the view was breathtaking, but I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. With the Ferris wheel slowly rotating, I looked over at Sunoo, who was smiling at me. His gaze was warm and gentle, making me feel even more flustered.

"Sunoo," I said, trying to sound casual but feeling my heart race, "I've been wanting to tell you something. I really like you. Like, a lot."

Sunoo's eyes widened, and he looked at me with a mix of surprise and confusion. "Wait, you like me? I thought you were into Sunghoon," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

The question caught me off guard, and I felt a bit flustered. "No, I—well, I thought you knew how I felt. I've always liked you," I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Sunoo's expression softened, and he blushed a deep shade of pink. He seemed to process my words, and his smile grew warmer. "I like you too," he said, his voice tender and sincere.

Relief and joy flooded through me as I heard those words. The Ferris wheel's gentle motion felt even more soothing as Sunoo leaned closer. He gently took my hand and held it in his, making me feel cherished and special.

As the Ferris wheel reached its peak, I felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach, overshadowing any lingering nerves. The ride's gentle sway seemed to match the fluttery feelings inside me. Sunoo then leaned in and placed a tender kiss on the top of my head.

"Are we, like, officially dating now?" I asked with a playful tone. Sunoo nodded, his grin growing wider.

"Yeah, I think we are," he said with a shy laugh.

The ride began its descent, and as we neared the bottom, I felt elated and content. Everything had happened so quickly, but it felt right. The Ferris wheel's staff opened the cart, allowing us to disembark.

"Isn't it hot in here?" I said, fanning myself, feeling the aftereffects of the emotional whirlwind. Everything had moved so fast, but I was thrilled to be officially dating Sunoo.

"No, it isn't hot in here; it's just windy," Jake remarked, noticing my flushed cheeks. I glanced back at Sunoo, who was beaming at me with an affectionate smile.

"You must be sick or something," Jay teased, guiding me to the nearest bench. I pointed to a nearby slushy stand, craving something cool to drink.

"Smooth, really smooth, Yerin," Sunghoon said, crossing his arms and smirking.

Jay handed some money to Ni-ki and instructed him to buy slushies for everyone. We decided to take a break, sipping our slushies and soaking in the day's events. As I looked at Sunoo, he caught my gaze and smiled warmly back at me, making me feel like the happiest person in the world.

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After enjoying the rides, the group decided it was time to head back to Yerin's home to pack up and start the drive back to Seoul. The day had been filled with fun and excitement, but it was time to wrap things up.

"Let's go, Ni-ki and Jungwon," Heeseung, Jay, Sunghoon, and Jake urged as they prepared to head to Sunoo's car. Since there was limited space, they needed to make room for everyone.

"They look like a family with a youngest child that's taller than them," Heeseung joked, and the group burst into laughter.

With warm goodbyes and waves, the group in Sunoo's car departed, heading back to their next destination. The day had been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, but it ended on a high note, filled with the promise of new beginnings and cherished memories.

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