[2] New Offer

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[2] New Offer

"Finally, all this trash is organized!" Massie celebrated. She heaved a big sigh before flopping down on her bed.

It had been two days since she arrived at Dark Falls and she had yet to explore the town. These last two days were busy with organizing the house ever since the moving truck came to unload all of their furniture. It was pretty tiring, caring boxes up and down the stairs to her room, and then waiting hours for the cable to be connected. Thankfully the service around here was fast, so they were able to make themselves at home quicker than usual. Then again, they've moved so many times they've gotten used to it. It wasn't as time consuming anymore, but the drag of doing all of it stayed the same.

Massie slid out her purple notebook—her favorite color—and crossed out her jot of move more than ten times off her bucketlist. The list was something she had thought of just a year ago, but already she was determined to do as many things on there as possible.

"Hey Mass, mom says we're going to the super market, want to come?" Lydia chirped, stepping into Massie's room. "Ahh, I see you're doing your suicide list again. Over ten months writing it and you have yet to think up 200 ways. If I were you I would have already come up with over 1,000." Lydia smiled smugly.

"Not very hard to believe, seeing as you're a workaholic in the making. And the only reason I haven't come up with more is because unlike you I have a life." Massie stuck out her tongue and put her notebook away. "Tell mom I'll go, just give me a minute."

Massie shrugged on her sweater and was quickly downstairs within seconds. She was glad to be able to leave the house and explore Dark Falls, even if it was for just a bit. The Wilton family hopped on their midnight-blue jeep and drove off into the busy part of Dark Falls.

"Dad, are you sure this is where the supermarket is?" asked Lydia. The younger sibling stared out the window, wary of her surroundings. Lydia disliked moving, especially when she got used to the area. Massie could tell her sister yearned for a stationary home.

Unlike her, Lydia didn't make friends as quickly, but when she did she held on to them dearly. Massie was more adaptable, making friends wherever she went. She couldn't remember ever having a best friend though. Out of all the schools she'd been to she had only kept contact with one, yet even that had not lasted long.

"Ehh, to tell you the truth no," was her father's reply. After many minutes of going in circles and turning back, they eventually came to find the supermarket. "Well, you learn from your mistakes. At least now we know where some other stores are," he said, humorous, whereas his wife muttered an unamused 'mhm'.

The Dark Falls Supermarket was big, and Massie found herself split away from her family and instead bothered herself by wondering where the big packs of chocolate were.

"Figures, I look for the candy section and find myself in the canned food area."

Massie rolled her eyes and turned around, only to smash into a woman that seemed to be in her early twenties.

The woman tumbled to the floor, smashing a few cans off the shelf. Massie's fast instincts rushed to grabbed them, catching two in each palm and another falling pair. The cans set on top of the ones on her hand. She struggled a bit to make them balance so they wouldn't fall on the woman's head.

"Whoa, nice." The woman complimented when she stood.

She dusted her knee-length skirt and stared down at Massie. She was one of the tallest girls Massie had seen. This said much, as Massie considered herself above average with her 5'8 height—especially since she was a female—but looking at the figure ahead, Massie felt a tiny bit short. She assumed the woman to be about six feet tall.

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