A male came in and saw Donghyun hiding, they both stared at eachother and laughed. "My name's Wonbin, you must be Donghy-"

Donghyun nods. "yes yes I'm Donghyun, but please help me hide" wonbin looked at the door then put his bag next to the table of his. "From whom?"

"This taesan dude. I think he's crazy" wonbin laughed. "Don't laugh at me! Just help me hide please"

Wonbin nods and sat on the table, removing his hoodie and covering Donghyun with it. After telling Donghyun to not move or say anything. He heard the students go silent, so that meant Taesan is here.

"Why did the classroom go silent?" Donghyun whispered and wonbin only answered with a shush. "Taesan is here. Remember what I said"

Wonbin gulped and grabbed his notebook, staring to write random shits on it. Taesan looked around and found no one suspicious so he goes up the last bench and asked Matthew, Woonhak's cousin If he saw Donghyun.

Matthew was about to say where Donghyun was but Zhang Hao, accidentally fell which stopped Matthew from saying where Donghyun was and the male got up, helping Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao, before he stands up. He winked at Wonbin meaning he knew about the plan and wonbin mouthed a thank you.

"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Should I call Hanb-" Hao shaked His head. "No need, but I think I got a small bruise and we should go to the clinic"
Matthew nods. "Sorry Dongmin, you should ask the others. Maybe they know." Matthew smiled only and left with Hao.

Taesan looked around and saw wonbin, writing something on his notebook. Nothing suspicious about it, right?

"Hey Wonbin" wonbin closed his eyes and opened them again to look at Taesan. "Yeah?" Wonbin puts his pen down and coughs to tell Donghyun that Taesan's here.

"Have you seen Donghyun?"

Wonbin blinked. "Donghyun who?" Taesan face palmed. "You know who I'm talking to nerd" taesan pointed at Wonbin's chest.

"Look dude, I don't know this Donghyun boy. You know all I do in my life is study. That's why you call me nerd"

Taesan scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Details about him?" Wonbin asked. "Small" wonbin blinked. "Him?" Wonbin pointed at Minjae.

"No! That's minjae. We're talking about Donghyun here."  Wonbin looked around. "More details!"

"Uhm has brown hair" wonbin stared at Taesan and sighed. Having a hard time to look around since most people here are brown haired and small.

"You know what! Never mind" taesan scoffed and went to a chair next to Matthew. "Did you find him?" Matthew asked. Taesan shaked his head. Matthew blinked in confusion. "But he's next to Wonbin. You saw Wonbin's red hoodie, right?" Taesan nods. "Donghyun's under that"


Taesan stands up and ran up to Wonbin's table. As soon as wonbin was about to remove the hoodie, he puts it back on top of Donghyun and told the male to shut up.

"Heyyy Taesan-"

"Remove that hoodie, NOW!" Wonbin blinked and tilts his head. "Why?" Taesan scoffed and was about to remove the hoodie himself but wonbin stopped him.

Wonbin grabbed Taesan's wrist. "Hey hey HEY! why're you going to steal my hoodie!?" Wonbin yelled. Taesan glared at wonbin who let's go off Taesan's wrist and Taesan removed the hoodie seeing a small Donghyun with his doe eyes.

"Hii.." taesan grabbed Donghyun's wrist and they both left the room with students eyes widened and wonbin laughing. Matthew walked up to Wonbin.

"You fucking tattled us!"

Matthew laughed at the male and smiled. "I had to, I don't like lying to people." Matthew pinched Wonbin's cute cheeks and the male only rolled his eyes, removing the hands of Matthew.

"No shit Sherlock"


Almost at 400 reads onedoor💛💛!
Can we make it up to 400 until my
Mother's birthday(feb14)?

Thank you for everyone who read this💛

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