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He's so pretty And cute😭😭😭


Edit: i changed LEEHAN'S dad from leehyuck to Leehyun bcs I had the biggest misunderstanding in my life

"Oh look at him." Mrs Kim smiled while his husband was not so happy about it. Mr Kim scoffed answering the phone he had while yelling right the phone and coming back to his wife.

"Come on honey, it's our child you're talking about please.." Mrs Kim begged his husband to not file her son to an orphanage. "I told you I don't want kids that will affect our business! So it's either we file a divorce or we file that thing to an orphanage!"

Mrs Kim thought about this big step. She doesn't want to file her kid for orphanage and she also doesn't want to divorce her lovelife but she had to do it.

"File a divorce"

Mr Kim was devastated at the answer, he hoped and thought his wife would file their own son to an orphanage but that soon faded and he scoffed. "Fine, If that's what you want. Then.." Mr Kim nods and left the private room of the hospital.

"I- I'm so sorry to hear that Mrs.." the nurse quickly came rushing to the Mrs Kim who was crying after she heard the response of her husband.

"I'll be alright, don't worry"


"I paid for the bills of the hospital, I' gave you enough money and.." Leehyun looked at his wife again staring at her, thinking it will be his last time to see this beautiful figure Infront of him.

"You're fired being my secretary, I loved you Doncae. Good luck living with Donghyun. Your baby" Leehyun teared up and his wife nods holding the baby and her sister holding her things then left.


"I'm.. I'm so sorry sis!" Dancei kept comforting her sister while her maid kept the baby safe and okay. "You'll get over this Doncae, and I just know it! Grace and Sally will take care little Donghyun while I work and.. and I'll find a job for you to work!" Dancei smiled.

"Thank you sister, I appreciate it but I think a rest about what happened.." Doncae sighed and her sister understands and told him and Sally shall leave Doncae for awhile with her son.

Both left and Doncae stared at her son for awhile looking at every detail. "You got the eyes of your father.." Doncae tears up and tye baby smiled laughing at his mother.

Doncae smiled and wiped her tears. "Don't worry Donghyun, I'll be strong just for you.."

"Mommy's going to be strong just for you"

Timeskip, Donghyun is now 8 and is playing with Sungho, Grace's son and Riwoo, Sally's son. "We should build a big BIG Lego house!!" Riwoo yelled and the three immediately got the blocks and other materials to do the house.

"Kids.." Grace laughed. "Yeah. Sungho, Riwoo, Donghyun foods gonna be ready please go to the table and get ready!" Grace yelled, walking to the kitchen and the three had a race running to the kitchen, who arrives first WINS

"Ouch!!" The 8 year old boy fell and his knee had a small injury. Donghyun balls his eyes out screaming while the maids quickly ran to the kid to check and heal him.


"Donghyun, my baby.." Doncae kissed the forehead and knee of her son and Donghyun only sniffed. "Be careful next time. Also, Sungho and Riwoo.. please don't make games that includes running that can make you three fall and slip, okay?"

Nails ~ Gongfourz/TaehanWhere stories live. Discover now