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I really wanna die.
(From all this school works)

"My whole day was a mess!" Donghyun screamed and both of the oldest laughed. "First this running scene then I got detention!"

Donghyun covered his face groaning. "Agh- I just HATE his existence!!" Riwoo still laughed his ass out while the three walked their way to the mall to eat dinner.

"Mom said she, auntie Grace and Sally will be doing something so we should eat out. Where should we go?" Sungho asked the two.


The three were happily chatting with eachother, telling each detail about what happened to their whole day experience. Not until Riwoo spitted his whole drink

"The dudes!!"

"What dudes!?" Sungho looked at where Riwoo was looking. "Oh How can my day get any worse!?" Donghyun covered his face and groans again.

The oldest, sungho decided to just let the three be and Riwoo shakes his head in disagreement. "Nah bruh, have they been following us!?"

"Are they a fucking stalker or something??"

Sungho shrugged. "Let's see why and what they're doing here. I want to know" he said smirking. "This bitch is planning something, I know it!" Riwoo yelled pointing at sungho
"You don't know" Sungho shrugged.

The three boys got to Sungho, Donghyun and Riwoo's table. "Hi" Sungho sipped his drink and crossed his legs. "Hey" Jaehyun mumbled.

"Oh no it's you again" Riwoo sighed out when Woonhak walked next to him. "of course it's me" he laughed.

Yet again, Donghyun and Taesan only stared at eachother while the younger continued drinking his milk tea.

"So why're you three here?" Sungho asked. "Oh we wanted to eat here but I guess you guys also ate here. Coincidence?" Jaehyun said, shrugging. "Coincidence huh.." Sungho mumbled.

"What was that?"

Sungho shaked his head. "Nothing, sorry"


"No shit" Riwoo yelled, punching Donghyun's arm. "The heck dude! Ouch?" Donghyun yelled back at the older. "Sorry!"

The three bestest of friends were walking their way back to the mansion. "No WAY that Jaehyun guy just did that Infront of you? AND THE WAY YOU RESPONDED KILLED ME."

Confused? Let me explain;


The other three decided to sit next to the three newbies and they talk, talk, talk. Riwoo didn't talk with Woonhak the rest of the time after what happened earlier in school.

Sungho would ask or tell Jaehyun something but nothing came up that much. Donghyun and Taesan would only share eachother glances, stares but no sign of each talking nor saying a word to eachother.

"Eyo Jaejae, isn't that Ghia?" Woonhak pointed at the entrance door which the five looked at. "Ghia who?" Riwoo asked seeing a beautiful female lady with her two friends behind her.

Jaehyun glared at the three but only stayed quiet. "She looks hot" Riwoo glanced to Woonhak to see the reaction. Woonhak only scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go near that bitch." Taesan said, eating his food. "Why?" Sungho asked feeling Jaehyun's eyes on him but didn't give a shit.

Taesan gulped his food before answering but was rudely interrupted by ofc the three female ladies who came in earlier.

"Hey baby!" Ghia hugged Donghyun from behind that made the boy almost gag. "Who... Are you?" Donghyun asked, trying to remove the hands of Ghia.

Riwoo and Sungho immediately turned their eyes to Taesan who only gritted his teeth while glaring at the female. The two exchanged eyes smirking.

"What? How come you forgot about my name?" Ghia pouted and started rubbing both of Donghyun's cheek to hers.

"Do you know my name?"

Woonhak and Riwoo almost bursted out of laughing but covered their mouths as soon as one of Ghia's friends glared at them.

Ghia's eyes widened. "What!? Ofc I-i Do!" Donghyun raised a brow. "You... Do?" He asked grabbing the milk tea and taking a sip from it while Ghia made a step behind removing her hands from Donghyun.

"Then what is it?"

Still, Taesan was glaring at Ghia and was grasping on his chopsticks very hard. Which can also lead it to break.

"Uhm uh.." Ghia looked around trying to find an excuse, just one! She saw Jaehyun, her ex more like. "Jae-"

Jaehyun immediately grabbed Sungho's wrist, making the male stand up and connected their own lips.

Sungho were pink tiny lips while for Jaehyun was tasty, you can taste the drink he just had.

"Babe!?" Ghia yelled. "Wait, I thought I was your babe?" Donghyun chirped in which Ghia screamed and left with her friends.

"And that my friends is how to deal with a gold digger bitch" Donghyun snapped his fingers and made his attention towards the two Infront of him.

The two immediately pulled away when Ghia left. Sungho slapped Jaehyun which had his cheeks over flaming in red. "The heck!?" Jaehyun yelled.

"More like; the fuck!?, how dare you kiss me like that!" Sungho yelled at him and everyone in the restaurant looked at the scene.

"I had to! Ghia was about to do something with me! It's not like I wanted to kiss you. I'm not even gay" Jaehyun gagged, covering his mouth.

Sungho twitched his right eye. "You idiot!" Sungho then again kicked Jaehyun's feet this time. "no! You STOLE my first kiss!!"

"Well I'm sorry, you princess" Jaehyun rolled his eyes. "Shut up!" Sungho payed for the food and left. "Wait!" Donghyun yelled, grabbing Riwoo's hand and ran after the older.


"Oh come on dude, it's just a kiss. I had multiple kids with dudes even girls. It's not a big deal" Riwoo shrugged it off. The three were hanging in Sungho's room. "If it's not a big deal to you Hyeok, yet it's a big deal to Sungho. You two are different from eachother"

Riwoo nods, thinking while staring at the ceiling. "Hmm can be, I guess. Anyways, that slap looked personal not gonna lie" Riwoo laughed again.

–•s a m•–

How tf did this didn't reach
1000+ words!? It only had 998 words only!

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