Chapter 2

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This is going to another longer chapter but the next one's will propably be shorter.

Thank you for reading my story.

Harry is in his first year btw.


Amphitrite POV

After Athena cuddled close to me again, I started to talk.

'The forbidden forest'

'The Forbidden Forest is a large, dark enchanted forest in the boundaries of the school grounds. It is usually referred to simply as "the Forest" or "Dark Forest". It is strictly forbidden to all students, except during Care of Magical Creatures lessons and, on rare occasions, detentions.

Among the plant species within the Forest are trees such as beech, oak, pine, sycamore, yew and knotgrass and thorn undergrowth. Though the Forest is vastly dense and wild, there are a few paths and clearings. Hagrid, who frequently travels into the Forest for various reasons, mostly makes these trails. The Forest is also home to an assortment of creatures, many of them dangerous.'

'the Hogwarts express'

'The Hogwarts Express is a train that carries pupils non-stop from Platform 9 ³/4 at King's Cross Station in London to  Station, near Hogwarts. Prefects of the school ride in a separate carriage near the front of the train. The compartments on the train appear to be lettered.

The train began use in the 1850s. Before that, pupils used to reach Hogwarts on brooms or enchanted carriages.'

'That was it?'

'yes that was the complete history of hogwarts I know about.'

'Can you tell me the complete history of each house?Please sissy!'

'Fine I'll try.'


'Yes, try. I know the complete history of huffelpuff as it is my house, Ravenclaw because I read about the house same goes for Griffindor.'

'And Slytherin?'

'No one really knows the history behind the house, only that Salazar, the founder of the house, was all for Blood purity and only wanted hogwarts to be opened for pureblooded witches and wizards.'

'Can you still tell me what else you know?'

'Of course.Some things will repeat themselves from before, ok?'


'Let's start with my house then.'

'The traits.'

'Hufflepuff is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Huffelpuff. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members.

The emblematic animal is a badger, and yellow and black are its house colours. The Head of Hufflepuff is Pomana Sprout, and the Fat Frier is the House's patron ghost.

Hufflepuff corresponds roughly to the element of earth, and it was for that reason that the House colours were chosen: yellow represented wheat, while black was emblematic of soil. The Hufflepuff point hourglass contained yellow diamonds. Students sorted into Hufflepuff often demonstrated strong abilities in Herbology, owing to their correspondence to earth.'

'The Reputation'

'According to Minerva McGonnagal, all four of the houses produced exceptional witches and wizards in their time, but due to Helga Huffelpuff's policy of accepting any student, Hufflepuff is often thought to be the house of less talented wizards and witches. However, this was merely a misunderstanding of the Sorting hat's poem.

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