Chapter 1

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(Abbie's POV)
I stood in the classroom where I would be staying. Room 106, I'd never slept in a classroom before. It looked kind of like my old Social Studies classroom. My friend Bethany was kind enough to help me with my bags and help me blow up my air mattress. She was one of the few people I knew here. Considering there were going to be over 200 people here I wasn't going to be very popular. Not that I was anyways. "Are you a teen leader?" I asked Bethany "No, not this year, I'm just helping out the newbies." She said with a grin. "I'll leave you so you can get changed into your camp T-shirt and some shorts. It's 90 degrees outside, you may want them." Bethany left the room and closed the door. The classroom seemed really empty. I got changed as fast as I could and went back out into the check-in area.
I scanned the room for people I knew. I located my best friend Jake right away. He caught my eye and I walked over to great him. "Hey Tree-Hugger" He got a playful look in his eye "Hey Abalabagous" he retorted.
Ugh, he pulled out his old nickname for me again, I kinda asked for that one though. "Did you get checked in already?" I asked "Yep just have to take my meds to Melinda" Melinda was the nurse who actually went to our church and was my other friend Jacob's mom. "Meds for what?" I asked being the curious person I naturally was. "Just my tick bite" He said cringing. I cringed also, those really do hurt. I'd never taken medication for one though. "Did you hear, my mom got so worried when the tick bit me and took me in to get tested for Lyme's disease" Jake said. "You tested negative right?" I asked. "Umm, no actually, I tested positive." Jake said looking away to give his meds to the nurse. "Hello Jake, oh and, hello Miss Abbie." She said noticing me as well. "Hi Mrs. Melinda" We said at the same time. Melinda gave us a weird look and went on to the next person in line. It was just like Jake to play "Mr cool guy" when he gets hurt. He was like that when he fell out of the tree last year. That's the reason behind the nickname tree-hugger.
I scanned the room again and I saw a lot more people that I knew than I expected. I saw a bunch of people from my church and several people that I've met other places. "Abbie?" I turned around and my friend Lindsey was there. "Oh hey Lindsey!" "Hey Abs! I'm heading outside to play volleyball with everyone else, wanna come?" She asked. "Sure" I told her looking at Jake who was fist pumping the air. "What was that about?" I asked him when he was done. "I'm glad it's something besides soccer, that way my brother can't show of his stupid soccer tricks" I laughed at him "C'mon you know he's still going to to" "Yeah good point"
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(Marya's POV)
I got to the door of room 106. Who would I be staying with. My older sister was in here too so maybe it was just my church. I'm not really shy, just more reserved when it comes to people I don't know. This was a little bit out of my comfort zone. What in the world was I thinking signing up for this. My sister and I both unpack our sleeping matts, well her cot and my thin memory foam matt. There were already a lot of air mattresses in here. Maggie Garber walks in and puts her stuff down next to mine. "So is this the grace room?" I asked "I guess so." Said Maggie. "Abbie is also in this room." "Who's that" I asked. I knew that name I just couldn't connect in to a face. "Blonde hair, friends with Daniel and Jake." "Nope, still not ringing a bell" I said "So what team are you on?" I asked "Sour Patch Kids, you?" "Me too!" That was the best news I had gotten all day. "Yes! Finally someone I know" Maggie said.
We went back up to the sign-in place. "There's Abbie" Maggie said pointing at a girl with blonde hair talking to a girl with dark hair and a guy who I knew from school, Jake. "Ohhhh!" I exclaimed and got some weird looks from other people standing around "I thought her name was Sam" Maggie laughed. I looked back at Abbie and she was walking towards the door with the other girl and Jake. Maggie and I followed.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(Mia's POV)
I walked out of my room and headed for the stairs. Man this jacket is hot. "But if the guy I like is here then I can't take it off." I said to myself. "Hey Mia." I looked up from the ground. "Hey Anna!" I said smiling at my extremely skinny friend. "What room are you in?" I asked her. "101" "Same here! It's right down that hallway." I said pointing to the hall I just came from. "Thanks, see ya!" Anna called running to the room.
I laughed, she was awesome. I went up the ramp to the check-in room. There were groups of people everywhere. There were two girls right beside me talking. One yells out. I look at her and she says something about a girl named Sam. I look to where the girl is looking. A blonde hair girl about my height walking out the door with a girl and a guy. The two girls follow "Sam" out the door to outside. I sit on one of the random chairs looking for more people I know.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(His POV)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Has she finally noticed me or seriously friend zoned me? Trying to understand girls really is like trying to smell the color 9... I think shaking my head. The volleyball is passed to Jacob to a girl across the circle to... Me! I miss it by an inch and run to retrieve it from the bushes. She looks a little disappointed so I hand her the ball. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm great." She says hitting the ball. A perfect serve in my eyes. "I'm just not that great at games that require good hand-eye coordination." Oh yeah, I forgot about her bad depth perception. "Good serve though" I say trying to cheer her up. She looks down and smiles a bit. "Thanks." She says. I look up and the ball flys towards me. I hit it just in time but it goes to Hunter in the middle. He just juggles it on his feet like a soccer ball. "Show off" I hear her say exactly what I'm thinking. Now I like her even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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